

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:35次 大小:322533Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 阅读理解 Bianca Valenti had an experience which nearly killed her.One day in 2007,when she paddled (划船) out at Ocean Beach in San Francisco,she met a wave the height of a two-story house. "The moment I went under water,I was just getting knocked.And then my feet touched the sand bottom there.I swam to the surface.At this point my lungs were burning painfully.Luckily there wasn't another wave." That was when Valenti knew she had the drive and skill to surf big waves. By 2014,Valenti surfed and won her first big waves match at Prescott Reef in Oregon.There,she met fellow professionals Paige Alms,Andrea Moller,and Keala Kennelly. "Two things got me fired up at that point," she said. "I wanted to have the opportunity to win more events,but there weren't more events for women.Also I noticed that just the sight of women surfing big waves was opening people's minds…That's really annoying." Luckily,Valenti,Alms,Moller,and Kennelly became a group and decided to stick together,support each other,and then fight together. The four surfers formed Committee for Equity in Women's Surfing (CEWS) to fight for entrance at Mavericks—a match set in the surfing location of the same name,north of Half Moon Bay.Mavericks was invitation-only and was open to only men when CEWS was formed.Now,through the organization's hard work with the State of California,women are awarded 12 spots to surf. When Valenti was young,there weren't many women represented in surfing culture. "I think it's important for young kids to have all kinds of role models.That way they know all the people who they see as superheroes are just normal people who have crazy dreams.And sometimes the dreams aren't even that crazy.If you work hard and you stick together with your friends,you can do anything You can move mountains." (1)What inspired Valenti to surf big waves? A.Her gift in learning surfing skills. B.Her near-death experience in 2007. C.Her desire to be the best role model. D.Her courage to challenge men surfers. (2)What does the underlined phrase "fired up" in Paragraph 3 mean? A.Angry. B.Excited. C.Disappointed. D.Confused. (3)What do we know about Mavericks in Valenti's time? A.It was named after Half Moon bay. B.All surfers were admitted to it freely. C.It opened 12 spots for women surfers. D.Surfers could only attend it by invitation. (4)Which of the following words can best describe Valenti? A.Tough and sensitive. B.Emotional and passive. C.Brave and determined. D.Simple-minded and helpful. 【考点】一带一路;品行与态度. 【答案】BADC 【分析】这是一篇记叙文,讲述了冲浪者Bianca Valenti在一次死里逃生的经历中意识到自己有动力和技巧在巨浪中冲浪,后来她与结识的几位专业冲浪者为女性在冲浪领域能够获得平等的机会做出许多努力。 【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段That was when Valenti knew she had the drive and skill to surf big waves.(那时Valenti 知道她有在巨浪中冲浪的动力和技巧。) 可知,前文讲述的死里逃生的经历使得Valenti决定在巨 ... ...

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