
Unit 11 Section B 2a-2e课件+音频(新目标九年级全册Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry. )

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:79次 大小:386091183Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry Section B 2a-2e 人教版九年级全册 What do you think of the soccer game Do you know some famouse soccer players Neymar Cristiano Ronaldo Messi Ronaldo Belly Beckham Famous soccer players Can they always win There are always some unexpected mistakes. Teaching objectives 1.基础词汇: weight/shoulder/goal/coach/enourage/nod/agreement 2. 阅读技巧:总结归纳文章大意,能根据思维导图复述文章 3. 习语文化:美国的习语文化 kick off/ let...down/ miss goal/rather than/ pull together/be hard on sb. 4. 情感教育:敢于承认错误,面对困难,团队协作 New words weight shoulder goal coach courage nod agreement n. 重量 n. 肩膀 n.门球,目标 n. 教练 n. 勇气 v.点头 n. 同意 be hard on sb. 给某人压力 kick sb. off剔除某人 pull together团结一致 rather than 而不是,宁可 let … down使...失望 Before reading Look at the title and the picture, guess what the passage mainly about. Maybe it's about _____ a soccer team always wins. The Winning Team 胜利之队 Fast reading-main ideas How many paragraphs How many parts can it be divided 11 3 Para1. Para2-6. Para7-11. Peter missed scoring a goal Advice from Peter's father Communication with teammates Careful reading Peter missed scoring a goal How did Peter feel after he missed a goal He was angry and worried. Careful reading Why did Peter feel angry and worried Because he _____ and _____. He was worried that his coach may _____the team. missed an important goal kick him off let his team down Careful reading Advice from Peter's father What is Peter father's advice What do you think of his father Understanding wise tolerant(宽容的) Peter father's advice 1. Don't be too hard on yourself. 2. Team effort--support each other 3. Communicate with teammates The spirit of teamwork Don't push yourself too much. Don't give yourself too much pressure. 4. Learn from mistakes What is your advice for Peter Learn to relax Practice more Think about why he missed the goal(Reflection反思) Have a big meal. Careful reading Advice from Peter's father What did Peter do after listening to his father Pair-work Try to show the conversations between Peter and his father. Did Peter's father advice work Sometimes we can't see father's love by using our eyes, but we can feel it by heart. Communication with teammates Did Peter say sorry to his teammates What did his teammates do and say Try to show the conversations between Peter and his teammates. What do you think is needed for a winning team the spirit of teamwork After reading-emotion education a winning team Believe and support each other. Pull togethr Learn from mistakes and reflect at times Communicate with teammates Be understanding Be brave to face difficulties and challenges Be not afraid of failure ... One goes fast and a group goes far. 一个人可以走得很快,但一群人可以走得很远 After reading-review main plots(故事情节) ____ Peter got home and went into his room. ____ Peter talked to his teammates. ____ Peter missed a go ... ...

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