
Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 3九年级英语仁爱版上册课时优化训练(含解析)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:29次 大小:18370Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 The Changing World 3. The world has changed for the better.—九年级英语仁爱版上册课时优化训练 一、单选题 1.—Did you go to a disabled children's home yesterday —Yes. _____ we felt tired, _____ we felt happy. A. Though; / B. Though; but C. If; but D. Not only; but also 2.China has a _____ population than _____ in the world. A. larger;any other country B. largest;the other country C. larger;any countries D. largest;the other countries 3.There are two thousand students in our school. _____ of them are girls. A. Three five B. Third fives C. Third fifths D. Three fifths 4.The giant pandas, Ya Ya and Le Le who have traveled in Memphis Zoo in the US _____ 20 years, attracted public concern recently. A.in B.for C.since D.on 5.—Mr. Green has a wife and six children to _____. —No wonder he works day and night. A.manage B.collect C.support D.treat 6.Uncle Wang works very hard _____ he _____ provide better life for his family. A. so many; can B. so much; can C. so that; can D. such that; can 7.—Why did you get up so early this morning —_____ catch the early bus. A. So that B. In order that C. In order to D. As a result 8.—When and where shall me meet —Let's discuss and _____ the time and place. A. carry out B. take place C. decide on D. talk about 9.—What a nice watch! When did you buy it —I _____ it for a week. A. have bought B. buy C. bought D. have had 10.In the past five years, the doctor has been so _____ saving many patients. A. successful in B. successful C. success in D. succeed in 二、完形填空 What has happened to the life in our countryside Great changes 1 in my hometown. Many women have joined in a 2 club. When they are free, they usually get together and invite some important people to give them talks. So far, they have 3 nine. John Smith is one 4 them. At the meeting, he said, "The world's population has 5 6.5 billion. It has been one of the most serious problems of the world today. The more mouths, 6 food we need. But there is not enough food for everybody. More than 7 people in the world are hungry. "To our surprise, "John went on, "somewhere in the world, it 8 that when people get more food, they have more babies. A woman is having a baby every minute, so they have never stopped being hungry. What can we do 9 this " He stopped and 10 for a few seconds. Just then a woman stood up and said, "Why not find the woman and stop her " 1.A. happened B. have happened C. have taken place D. took place 2.A. lady B. lady's C. ladies' D. ladies 3.A. met B. heard C. invited D. listened 4.A. for B. between C. with D. among 5.A. reached B. arrived C. got D. arrived in 6.A. the better B. most C. the more D. the much 7.A. half of B. half of the C. the half of D. a half of 8.A. seems B. looked C. says D. read 9.A. for B. on C. in D. of 10.A. moved B. read C. waited D. laughed 答案以及解析 一、单选题 1.答案:A 解析:根据句意可知用 though,而且 though与but不连用。 2.答案:A 解析:比较级表达最高级含义。 3.答案:D 解析:分数表达法:分子用基数 ... ...

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