
Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 Section B课件(共52张PPT)仁爱版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:30次 大小:15219790Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 八年级上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports 英 语 仁爱版 仁爱版 英语 八年级上册 Warming up—Pre-listening—While-listening—Post-listening—Exercises —Summary Topic 1 I'm going to play basketball Section B Knowledge aims:1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中的单音节单词及简单短语。2. 能在老师的引导下,分音节读出多音节单词:scientist, musician, pilot, policeman, policewoman… 3. 能区分元音音素[e]和[eI]并能正确朗读单词,注意相对应字母组合的书写。4. 能正确朗读句子中的不完全爆破。5. 能正确运用be going to be 谈论运动爱好及梦想,并在课后写成作文。 Warming up What’s your favorite sport My favorite sport is … Who’s your favorite player My favorite player is … 运动员,选手 ['ple ] Who’s your favorite player My favorite player is …/I like …best. 运动员,选手 ['ple ] What’s your favorite sport My favorite sport is … Who’s your favorite player My favorite player is … What are you going to be when you grow up I’m going to be a/an … That’s my dream. Ask and answer with your partner. Look at the picture and guess. Yao Ming is a basketball player. He played basketball in the NBA. Do you like him Do you like him Yao Ming played for the Houston Rockets. This is a picture of Yao Ming and his teammates. ['r k t] ['hju:st n] rocket ['r k t] American basketball player plays for Lakers won MVP in both 2009 and 2010 NBA Lebron James His favorite sport is basketball. He is a famous basketball player. 科比,不说再见 ['ple ] What are you going to be when you grow up I’m going to be a/an … That’s my dream. 长大成人 梦想 /ɡr / /dri:m/ doctor Talking actor nurse teacher office worker driver cook dancer singer farmer policeman (pl. policemen) policewoman (pl. policewomen) postman (pl. postmen) fisherman (pl. fishermen) scientist pilot musician n. 音乐家 /mju'z n / n.科学家 / 'pa l t / n.飞行员 /sa ntist/ 2Read the words and match,paying attention to the pronunciation. scientist /'sa ntist/ pilot /'pa l t / player /'ple r/ musician /mju'z n / P3 player / ple r/ n.运动员;比赛者,选手 v. 玩耍 play rocket / r k t/ n.火箭 dream /dri:m/ n. 梦想;梦 v.做梦 grow /ɡr / v.成长,生长;发育;种植;变成 grew 过去式 grow up长大成人,成长 scientist / sa nt st/ n.科学家 science n.科学 brainstorm P3 in the future今后 in the past 在过去 P4 musician /mju z n/ n.乐手,音乐家,乐师 music n. 音乐 pilot / pa l t/ n. 飞行员;驾驶员 policeman /p li sm n/ n.(pl. -men) 男警察 policewoman /p li sw m n/ n. (pl. -women) 女警察 postman / p stm n/ n. (pl. -men) 邮递员,邮差 fisherman / f m n/ n. (pl. -men) 渔民;钓鱼的人 fish 鱼 policeman /p 'li:sm n / postman /'p stm n / fisherman /'f m n/ policewoman /p 'li:sw m n/ 2 Read the words and match, paying attention to the pronunciation. lawyer 律师 chef 厨师; (尤指餐馆、饭店等的) 主厨,厨师长 fireman 消防员 sailor 水手 secretary 秘书 public servant 公务员 journalist 记者 hairdresser/hairstylist 发型师 What other jobs do you know Pre-listening What are you going to be when you grow up in the future ... ...

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