
人教版八年级下册Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parentsSection A 3a-3c课件(共20张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:80次 大小:24093939Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Section A (3a-3c) 学 段: 八年级 学 科:英语(人教版) To learn some new words and phrases : relation, communication, argue, instead, explain, get on with To know Sad and Thirteen’s problems and Mr. Hunt’s advice by skimming and scanning. To talk about the problems and give proper advice. Learning aims What's wrong with the little boy Watch a video What's wrong with the little boy Watch a video What's wrong with the little boy Watch a video His parents are arguing. Free talk Do you have a happy family Do you often communicate with your parents If your parents fight a lot, what should you do 和……沟通 / 交流 经常争吵 Does your mother often argue with your father 和……争吵,吵架 Can you get on well with your family 和睦相处;关系良好 01 02 03 04 05 friend If you had a problem, who would you ask for help parents teacher school counselor A school counselor is a person who is trained to help students with both school and personal problems. [ ka ns( )l ] 顾问;辅导员 Sad and Thirteen Here is a teenager who has problems with family relations. ask for help 1.What’s the problem with them Look at the picture and predict. Sad and Thirteen’s parents They argue with each other. 2. How do you feel when they argue sad, nervous, terrible, upset... adj. 焦虑的 Pre-reading a letter from Sad and Thirteen a reply from Robert Hunt problem advice What are the two letters about 1. What’s Sad and Thirteen’s problem A. He has something wrong with his study. B. His friends don’t understand him. C. He can’t get on with his family. 2. How does Robot Hunt help Sad and Thirteen A. Talk with Sad and Thirteen’s parents. B. Give some advice to Sad and Thirteen. C. Fight with Sad and Thirteen’s brother. Skimming Read quickly and choose the answer. Sad and Thirteen’s problems Main problem: He can’t _____his family. About his _____ His parents _____ a lot and he doesn't know what to do. About his ____ ____ His elder brother is _____to him and _____him watch his favorite TV show. His feeling He feels _____ and _____. Read the first letter and complete the chart. get on with parents elder brother fight not nice refuses to let lonely nervous Careful-reading improper communication lack of communication lonely problems nervous Is that normal Why family sad and thirteen Lack of communication sad and thirteen family _____ Read letter 2 carefully and complete Mr. Hunt's advice. Sad and Thirteen's Problems Mr. Hunt's advice His main problem He can't get on with his family. Why not ____ _____ these feelings with his family About his parents Relations have become difficult. They fight a lot. When they argue, it's like a big, black cloud hanging over his home. He should _____ ___ help. Maybe he _____ do more _____ around the house. About his elder brother His brother isn't very nice to him. His brother refuses to let let him watch his favorite TV show. Instead his brother w ... ...

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