

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:90次 大小:2322747Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2023学年第一学期七年级英语期中试卷 亲爱的同学: 欢迎参加考试!请你认真审题,积极思考,细心答题,发挥最佳水平。答题时,请注意以下几点: 全卷共六大题,66 小题,满分 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟,考试范围Starter M1-正式Module4。 答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上,写在草稿纸上无效。 答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的《注意事项》,按规定答题。 祝你成功! 第一部分 听力部分(20分) 听力(本题有15小题,第一、二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分,共20分) 第一节:听小对话,请从A﹑B﹑C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片,每段对话读一遍。 ( ▲ ) 1. What’s the weather like A. B. C. ( ▲ ) 2. Where is Mike from A. B. C. ( ▲ ) 3.Who is Betty’s father A. B. C. ( ▲ ) 4. What’s David’s favourite sport A. B. C.21*com ( ▲ ) 5.What’s Kate’s telephone number A. B. C.21*co 第二节:听长对话,请根据问题,从A﹑B﹑C三个选项中选择最佳答案,每段对话读一遍。 ( ▲ ) 6. What colour is the boy’s pen A.Red B.Black C.Green ( ▲ ) 7. Where is the pen A.On the chair B.On the desk C.On the bag 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8-10小题。 ( ▲ ) 8. What’s Jenny’s last name A.Smith B.Green C.White ( ▲ ) 9. Where is Jenny from A.China B.England C.America ( ▲ ) 10. How many students are there in Tony’s class A.25 B.20 C.45 第三节:听独白,请根据内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。独白仅读一遍。 Mike is my 11▲ . He has got 12▲ dogs. 13▲ is his daughter. Their favourite season is 14▲ . They go swimming on 15▲ . ( ▲ )11. A.father B.teacher C.uncle ( ▲ )12. A. 2 B.3 C.4 ( ▲ )13. A.Linda B.Lucy C.Lily ( ▲ )14. A.spring B.summer C.autumn ( ▲ )15.A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Sunday 第二部分 笔试部分(80分) 二、完形填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握大意,从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Hello, I'm Alex. I 16▲ a good friend. His name is Frank. He is 17▲ the UK. Let me tell you something about him. Frank is 13 years old this year. He is a 18▲ at our school. He came to China with his parents three years ago. His parents 19▲ here. His father is a doctor and his mother is a nurse in the same hospital. Frank usually speaks English with his 20▲ at home. And his Chinese is also good. He has a little sister, but 21▲ doesn't go to school. His sister is only two years old. Frank has a cute 22▲ at home. Its name is Park. The dog often plays games with Frank after dinner and Frank feels 23▲ to be with it. Frank likes sports very much and he is 24▲ at playing basketball. He often plays basketball with his classmates after class. Frank is outgoing* and he likes making friends. 25▲ you want to be his friend ( ▲ )16.A.tell B.ask C.have D.hope ( ▲ )17.A.of B.from C.about D.to ( ▲ )18.A.father B.teacher C.brother D.student ( ▲ )19.A.work B.travel C.wait D.dream ( ▲ )20.A.classmates B.friends C.cousins D.parents ( ▲ )21.A.she B.he C.it D.they ( ▲ )22.A.cat B.rabbit C.dog D.bird ( ▲ )23.A.hungry B.sorry C.happy D.sad ( ▲ )24.A.bad B.good C.tired D.afraid ( ▲ )25.A.Is B.Are C.Do D.Can 三、阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读短文, ... ...

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