

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:32次 大小:3292479Byte 来源:二一课件通
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English Tenses Timeline Chart This timeline tenses chart provides a handy reference sheet to English tenses and their relationship to one another and the past, present and future. Conjugated verbs are highlighted in bold. Tenses which are rarely used in everyday conversation are marked by an asterik (*). TIMELINE SIMPLE ACTIVE SIMPLE PASSIVE PROGRESSIVE / PROGRESSIVE / CONTINUOUS ACTIVE CONTINUOUS PASSIVE PAST TIME ^ | | | | ^ She had already The painting had been | I had been waiting for four The house had been being painted eaten when I arrived. sold twice before it was PAST for over a month before they began destroyed. PERFECT hours when he finally arrived. to decorate the interior. * | | ^ I bought a new car The book was written | I was watching TV when she The problem was being solved last week. in 1876 by Frank Smith. PAST arrived. when I arrived late for class. | | ^ She has lived in The company has been | California for many managed by Fred Jones PRESENT She has been working at The students have been being years. for the last two years. PERFECT Johnson's for six months. taught for the last four hours. * | | ^ He works five days a Those shoes are made | week. in Italy. PRESENT I am working at the moment. The work is being done by Jim. | | | FUTURE INTENTION They are going to fly to New The reports are going to be | York tomorrow. completed by the marketing department. | V | The sun will shine The food will be FUTURE SIMPLE She will be teaching The rolls will be being baked at tomorrow. brought later. | tomorrow at six o'clock. two. * | V I will have | completed the course The project will have FUTURE She will have been working The house will have been being by the end of next been finished by PERFECT here for two years by the end built for six months by the time week. tomorrow afternoon. | of next month. they finish. * | V FUTURE TIME | Which tense is each sentence I eat pizza everyday 1 future simple Past perfect 2 She had already eaten before his arrival. progressive 3 She will have eaten all the pizza by 10 pm. Present perfect 4 At that time we had been eating pizza Present simpleall day. 5 I have been studying a lot lately. Past progressive 6 They've just arrived! Past perfect 7 I ate pizza for lunch yesterday. Past perfect progressive 8 Before he came, I had been eating pizza. Past simple I was eating pizza when the bom exploded. Present perfect 9 progressive 10 I will eat pizza when I get home. Future Perfect TENSES Present Tense – Simple or progressive 1. They normally _____ lunch at two. (have) 2. Are _____ in Paris this week (you work) 3. You _____ new clothes every Saturday! (buy) 4. I played football at school but now I _____ swimming (prefer) 5. I _____ no idea what the book is about. Can you tell me what it’s about (have) 6. John _____ a difficult time at the university this year (have) 7. My father _____ everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles. (know) 8. The moon _____ round the earth. (go) 9. Do _____ those men a ... ...

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