
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B Self Check 课件+内嵌音频 +教案(人教八上英语)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:23次 大小:18473634Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B 3a-self check 1.serve(v.)服务→_____(n.)服务 2.tradition(n.)传统→_____(adj.)传统的 3.celebrate(v.)庆祝→_____(n.)庆祝 4.prepare(v.)准备→_____(n.)准备 service traditional celebration preparation 1.The children should take 1.5 _____ (spoon) of this medicine each time. 2.Here is one way _____(improve) your English. 3.It's a time_____(share) toys with the others. 4.The last step, don't forget _____(add) some sugar. 5._____(get) to school early, I went to bed at nine and got up at five. 6.Here is one way _____(make) turkey. 7.Do you like _____(tomato) in your soup 8.The mother _____(cover) her baby with a blanket(毯子) and went out. 9.How many _____(potato) do you need 10.What are the _____(reason) for this special day spoons to improve to share to add To get to make tomatoes covered potatoes reasons 1.I'd like to put a cup_____milk in my water. 2.When it's ready, serve it _____ your friends or family. 3.Do you know that Thanksgiving is _____the fourth Thursday in November 4.The baby is too young,so you need to cut the food _____pieces and give one to him. 5.Here is one way_____ making turkey. 6.Please put the bread on the table and cover it _____ a piece of cloth. 7.World Reading Day is _____April 23rd.It's _____special day that was founded in 1995 by the UN. 8.—Could you turn_____the computer for me, dear I want to check my e mails. of to on into of with on a on Exercise: 一杯茶 _____ 三副眼镜 _____ 八张纸 _____ 五盒铅笔 _____ 两条信息 _____ 四瓶牛奶 _____ a cup of tea three pairs of glasses eight pieces of paper five boxes of pencils two pieces of news four bottles of milk is are are are are are 谓语动词取决于of前面量词的数 is/are Self Check 2 Write questions and answers using the words in brackets. 1. Q: _____ (how many / eggs / we / need / make / cake) A: _____ (two) How many eggs do we need to make a cake We need two eggs. 2. Q: _____ (how much/milk/we/need) A: _____ (three cups) 3. Q: _____ (have to/add/sugar or honey) A: _____(can/add/two spoons) How much milk do we need We need three cups of milk. Do we have to add sugar or honey Yes, we can add two spoons of honey. Self Check 1. Number these instructions for making tomato and egg soup in the correct order. Then complete the instructions with the words in the box. First Next Then Finally 4 3 1 2 _____, mix everything together and serve it. _____, cook for five minutes and add two eggs. _____, cut up three tomatoes and put them into a pot. _____, add some water, sugar and salt. First Next Then Finally How to make a cheese sandwich First, put some on a piece of bread. Next, cut up some . Put the tomato and cut up an onion. Then,put some on the cheese. Finally, put bread on top. Next, put some on the sandwich. butter tomatoes on the sandwich cheese lettuce another piece of Finally, ____ the turkey ____ thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like ca ... ...

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