
人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural Disasters Project课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:77次 大小:72586244Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Natural Disasters Project 1.Identify the features of a presentation and summarize useful tips for organizing its contents. Learning Objectives: 2.Discuss the definition, formation and impact of a natural disaster and safety instructions for it. 3.Give a presentation on a natural disaster to raise awareness of playing a role in coping with it. Which natural disaster have you experienced in your area or heard about on the news Warm up Warm up 2023 Typhoon Doksuri Introduce the project On the National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day, give a presentation to your class on one of the natural disasters you have experienced or heard about. Role Name Good Poor information collector 5 4 3 2 1 speech writer 5 4 3 2 1 slides designer 5 4 3 2 1 speaker 5 4 3 2 1 Introduce the project A presentation is a speech in which an idea is explained and shown to an audience. A well-organized structure and informative contents are equally important aspects of a presentation. Plan the project Read the definition of presentation and mark the key words. speech slides introduction explain what the topic is How do you organize the structure of a presentation Plan the project body provide key information conclusion summarize the main points prepare the project What is the function of the lead It summarizes the basic information about the tsunami (what/when/where/ who/why/how) and catches reader’s attention. Possible answer: Underline the restrictive relative clauses in the sentences. The people who live in Wenchuan county will never forget the day 12 May, 2008. The 8.0-magnitude earthquake which killed over 80,000 people and left many more injured turned many towns and counties into ruins. Prepare the project Use restrictive relative clauses to make a story more vivid by adding details. Be captivating: Catch the attention of your listeners by starting with a “hook”( a fact or a story). Use restrictive relative clauses to add vivid details. Prepare the project Tip1 Complete the basic information about the natural disaster you have chosen. basic information what when where who/why/how Prepare the project Use the information and restrictive relative clauses to design a hook for your presentation. Prepare the project Useful expressions: …was a terrible experience that people in…can not forget. On that day, … For people whose families were destroyed by…that hit…in…, that summer was a time of great sadness. The…that struck…on… caused widespread destruction in the city, leaving…people dead and…missing. basic information what Typhoon Meranti when September 12, 2016 where made landfall in Xiamen city, Fujian province who/why/how 18 killed and 11 others missing Possible answer: The people who live in Xiamen city will never forget the day September 12, 2016. Typhoon Meranti which made landfall in Fujian province killed 18 people and left 11 others missing. 数据来源:https://www..cn/sh/2016/09-18/ ... ...

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