
人教版八年级下册Unit4 Why don't you talk to your parents Grammar focus 4a-4c课件(共27张PPT,内嵌音视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:13923597Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Grammar focus 4a—4c By the end of the lesson, you will be able to : 1. talk about problems and give proper advice; 2. use the three conjunctions although/so that/until correctly when giving advice; 3. face problems positively. Learning Objectives Step 1: Look at Peppa’s moment. Step 2:Let’s ask Peppa what happened. Step 2:Let’s ask Peppa what happened. Step 3:Watch the video and answer. Step 3:Watch the video and answer. Peppa and her best friend Susie yesterday had a quarrel(争吵) Peppa thought Susie lied feels sad Step 3:Watch the video and answer. Step 4: Look at her friends’ advice. Purpose(目的) Time = She is wrong, but it’s not a big deal. Step 5: Find out the conjunctions(连词). Sentences that may help you: 1.Why don’t you… 2.What about doing… 3.You could/should… … Step 6: Advice chain(建议接龙) Can you give Peppa some advice Sentences that may help you: 1.Why don’t you… 2.What about doing… 3.You could/should… … Step 6: Advice chain(建议接龙) Can you give Peppa some advice Thank you for your advice! Thank you for your advice! Step 7: Can you give some advice to Gorge Problem: I am very shy. Advice: No.1: Why don’t you_____ No.2: Why don’t you _____so that _____. Step 7: Can you give some advice to Gorge Problem: I am very shy. Advice: No.1: Why don’t you_____ No.2: Why don’t you _____so that _____. Step 7: Can you give some advice to Gorge Problem: I am very shy. Advice: No.1: Why don’t you_____ No.2: Why don’t you _____so that _____. Step 7: Can you give some advice to Gorge Problem: I am very shy. Advice: No.1: Why don’t you_____ No.2: Why don’t you _____so that _____. Step 7: Can you give some advice to Gorge Problem: I played computer games late at night. I feel so tired now. Advice: No.1: You could _____. No.2: You could _____until _____o’clock. Then, you can go to bed. Step 7: Can you give some advice to Gorge Problem: I played computer games late at night. I feel so tired now. Advice: No.1: You could _____. No.2: You could _____until _____o’clock. Then, you can go to bed. Step 7: Can you give some advice to Gorge Problem: I played computer games late at night. I feel so tired now. Advice: No.1: You could _____. No.2: You could _____until _____o’clock. Then, you can go to bed. Step 7: Can you give some advice to Gorge Problem: My sister and I fight all the time. Advice: No.1: You could/should_____. No.2: You could/should_____. Although it’s _____, you can have a try. In this way, you will feel better. so that Although until Although purpose time Step 8: Fill in the blanks with although, so that or until. How to give good advice to others so that they can take your advice 1. Be a good listener. 2. Put your feet in others’ shoes(换位思考). 3. Use conjunctions(until/so that/although)to explain your advice more clearly. East or west, problems exist(存在). No matter what happens, be op ... ...

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