
人教版八年级下册Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Period 1 Section A 1a - 2d课件+音频(共20张PPT,含内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:37次 大小:12565671Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents Period 1 Section A (1a - 2d) 年 级:八年级 学 科:英语(人教版) Learning Objectives master the key words and phrases in this period; talk about your problems and give others advice accordingly; 3. write a suggestion letter and deal with problems in a right way. By the end of the class, you will be able to Miss Hunt Lead-in What does she do? Daily Work: ◇Work in school. ◇Friendly to help others. ◇Good at giving advice. a school counselor (辅导员). Do you have any problems in daily life too much homework too many after-school classes get low grades in exams don’t get enough sleep not allow to hang out with friends don't have free time to relax get into a fight with classmates always argue with parents 1a What should I do Mary Peter Kim Can you help her deal with their problems Miss Hunt is busy having a meeting now. 1. What's the matter with Mary 2. What should she do (got into fight with friends/ didn't get enough sleep/ not be allowed to hang out with friends) (go to sleep earlier/ start studying earlier/ talk to her parents) What's Mary's problem Tip : 匹配核心词汇、语境,提前猜测,降低听力难度 1b Listen and Choose the right answer. She didn’t get enough sleep. She should talk to her parents. Mary Can you speak out your problems 1c Look at the problems in 1a and make conversations. A: What’s wrong B: I’m really … because I … last night. A: Why don’t you …. 询问问题的句型: 1. What’s wrong with ... 2. What’s the matter with ... 3. What's the trouble with... 4. What's up 5. What happened to ... What's Peter's problem Advice 1.You_____ write him a letter. ( ) 2.You _____ call him up. ( ) 3.You _____ talk to him so that you can say you’re sorry. ( ) 4.You _____ go to his house. ( ) 5.You _____ take him to the ball game.( ) a. It’s not easy. b. I don’t want to wait that long. c. I don’t want to surprise him. d. I’m not good at writing letters. I don’t want to talk about it on the phone. a. It’s not easy. b. I don’t want to wait that long. c. I don’t want to surprise him. d. I’m not good at writing letters. I don’t want to talk about it on the phone. d e a c b could should should could could 2a 2b Why he doesn’t like the advice Peter Can you give Peter any other advice Role-play a conversation between Peter and his friend. 2c A: What’s the matter, Peter B: I had a fight with my best friend. What should I do A: Well, you should … 提建议的句型: 1. Why don’t you do… 2. Why not do … 3. You should/could do… 4. What about/ How about doing… 5. You’d better do… What's Kim's problem 2d Watch the video and answer the questions. What’s wrong with Kim What did her sister take What advice does Dave give to Kim Kim Tip : 听前预测,听中锁定问题,学会速写。 What's Kim's problem 2d Watch the video and answer the questions. What’s wrong with Kim What did her sister take What advice does Dave give to Kim Her sister looked thr ... ...

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