
Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. (Section B 2a-2e) 表格式教学设计

日期:2024-09-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:63次 大小:23925Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 课程基本信息 学科 初中英语 年级 初三 学期 秋季 课题 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. (Section B 2a-2e) 教科书 书 名:人教版Go For It 英语九年级全一册 -出卷网-:人民教育-出卷网- 教学目标 1. To learn and use the new words and phrases like “fool, trick, joke, hoax, sell out, rather than etc; 2. To learn the history and stories about April Fool’s Day; 3. To learn how to play jokes in a proper way. 教学内容 教学重点: 1. To learn and use the new words and phrases like “fool and sell out”etc. 2. To learn the history and stories about April Fool’s Day. 教学难点: 1. To learn how to play jokes in a proper way; 2. To learn how to solve the serious jokes such as rumors or hoaxes. 教学过程 Step 1 Pre-reading Show some sentences to guess what day it is so that “April Fool’s Day can be led in. Then students free-talk about “Have they played jokes on others or been fooled by others ” Purpose: Being fooled or playing jokes on others are familiar to students. It can arouse their interests at the beginning of class and free talk a lot. Step 2 Fast reading Find out the main idea of each paragraph and match them. Purpose: They can learn about the structure better and know the meaning of April Fool’s Day easily. Step 3 Careful reading of paragraph 2 Read Paragraph 2 and fill in a chart. The chart is about the reason why the spaghetti had been sold out, the thing people did after being told no more spaghetti, the function of the special water. After that, the question “What’s the purpose of playing such jokes ” are asked. To think about the question, they know not all jokes end up being funny. Purpose: They can know how the trick happened and its results. Then they know not all jokes end up being funny. So we shouldn’t play jokes on others easily. Step 4 Careful reading of paragraph 3 Read Paragraph 3 and answer questions about a sad story. Finally they need to think critically “If you were his girlfriend, would you be angry Why ” Some students are needed to write down the answers on the blackboard. Purpose: To find out the answer can help them to know clearly how the sad story happened. And a open question is asked to think. As a result, they know we should play jokes properly. Step 5 Careful reading of paragraph 4 Some True or False questions are asked to learn the famous trick. They need to judge and correct them. I also show the background behind the trick for them so that they know it’s not a joke but a hoax! A rumor! Step 6 Critical thinking Sum up the hoaxes or rumors we met in life--phone hoax, some chain letters and rumors about an earthquake. Show a real rumor about the earthquake for them. Finally think “When facing such jokes, rumors and hoaxes, what should we do Suppose you are policemen, try to teach teenagers to deal with hoaxes.” Purpose: To know we should play jokes properly and some serious jokes may become rumors or hoax, which are not allowed. Sometimes we may be arrested or fined by policemen. Out of the mouth c ... ...

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