
人教版(2024)七年级英语上册Unit 5 Fun Clubs综合检测(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:30次 大小:51887Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 5 综合检测 一、单项选择 1.—Why do you _____ so many bottles and boxes —I want to sell (卖) them to get some pocket money. A.include B.collect C.lend D.share 2.—Can you tell me who _____ the telephone —Alexander Graham Bell did. A.found B.discovered C.took D.invented 3.—Can you play the violin —_____, but I can sing. A.Yes, I can B.Yes, I do C.No, I can’t D.No, I don’t 4.—It’s such a long way! —Don’t worry. You _____ share a ride with me. A.can B.must C.need D.should 5.The underlined part in the word “should” is pronounced as _____. A./d/ B./t/ C./ d/ D./ t/ 6.— What _____ do you like best, John — Table tennis. I play it every morning with my father. A.sport B.subject C.team D.music 7.I like watching _____ because I want to know what is going on around the world. A.movies B.news C.comedies D.cartoons 8.—There are so many scarves. Which one do you want to _____ —I like the red one. A.make B.choose C.share D.save 9.Jack _____ Beijing the first time he visited the city. He wants to live there for the rest of his life. A.fell in love with B.took care of C.cleaned up 10.—WeChat really changes people’s life. —_____. It is easier for us to keep in touch with others. Mainly B.Exactly C.Directly D.Mostly 二、完型填空 Hi, friends! I’m Harry. I’m a middle school student. There are many 11 in my school. Students have great fun in these clubs. I love 12 . I can sing and dance very well. So I join the Music Club. The club has activities (活动) on Tuesday and Thursday. I 13 some friends in the club. We have the 14 hobby. I’m always very happy to 15 to my dear friends. I’m also very 16 at drawing. So I join the Art Club, too. We can show the 17 in the hall. The club only has activities on Monday. So you can see I have club activities 18 day(s) a week. A music festival is next month. All the 19 in the Music Club need to prepare (准备) well for it. So I’m very 20 these days. I think my school days are really interesting. 11.A.subjects B.festivals C.friends D.clubs 12.A.geography B.music C.English D.sports 13.A.speak B.draw C.make D.come 14.A.same B.old C.different D.new 15.A.tell B.talk C.say D.bring 16.A.interesting B.friendly C.nice D.good 17.A.machines B.pictures C.robots D.cars 18.A.one B.two C.three D.four 19.A.teachers B.parents C.students D.girls 20.A.late B.free C.important D.busy 三、阅读理解 Mr Smith is from New York. He is tall with brown hair. He came to China in 2018. He teaches us English. His English classes are very interesting. We all like his classes very much. Mr Smith has two children—Scott and Catherine. Scott is 16. He is so handsome and he has blonde hair. Catherine is 12. She is tall and thin. They are in China too. And they like doing a lot of things. Scott likes music, especially (尤其) hip- hop (嘻哈乐). He is at the music club in his school. He is also at the Chinese kung fu club, ... ...

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