
人教版(2024)七年级英语上册Unit 4 My Favourite Subject单元教案(4课时)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:51次 大小:253682Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 【Language Abilities】 1.Talk about school subjects. 2.Name your favourite subject and explain why. 3.Use conjunctions and,but,and because to join information together. 4.Discover the importance of learning different school subjects. 【Culture Awareness】 1.Know the meaning of learning different school subjects. 2.Stimulate students' interest in learning English. 【Quality of Thinking】 1.Make predictions according to the pictures. 2.Be able to use effective means such as seeing,listening,speaking and discussing to obtain information. 【Learning Abilities】 1.Actively participate in class activities. 2.Be able to actively cooperate with others in learning activities and complete learning tasks. 【Class Hour Division】 Four periods Period 1 Section A(1a-1d)—Pronunciation(1-2) Period 2 Section A(2a-2f) Period 3 Grammar Focus(3a-3d) Period 4 Section B(1a-2b) 本单元教材以“学校科目”为中心话题,围绕着“你为什么喜欢这门学科?”和“我们能从不同的学科中学到什么?”进行学习。 Section A主要学习不同的科目以及谈论最喜欢某学科的原因;学生应掌握连词and,but,because的用法;Section B的重点是要求学生能够谈论自己最喜爱的学科并能从中学到什么,并且安排了读写任务,教师在教学中可以合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。 第一课时 Section A(1a-1d)—Pronunciation(1-2) Teaching Objects 【教学目标】 1.Be able to name school subjects. 2.Get detailed information about Ella and Peter from the two conversations. 3.Talk about your favourite subject and explain the reasons. 4.Pronounce /eI/,/aI/,/ I/,/ /,/a /,/I /,/e / and / / correctly,and remember the letters and letter combinations that represent them. 5.Know the linking skills in the sentences. Teaching Aids 【教学工具】 an English book,a tape recorder and CAI Teaching Steps 【教学步骤】 Listening and speaking ★Step 1 Leading in 【情景导入】 1.Ask the Ss to look at the picture on Page 43,and then share: (1)What class are the students having in the photo (2)What do you think of this subject (3)What is your favourite subject 2.Let some students share their answers with the class. ★Step 2 Pre task 【准备任务】 Page 44,1a 1.Show the pictures on Page 44 to the Ss,and then ask them to answer the question:What are these 2.Let the Ss match the school subjects in the box with the pictures.Some subjects are extra. 3.Check the answers with the class. ★Step 3 While task 【过程任务】 Page 44,1b 1.Ask the Ss to listen to the conversations and tick the subjects Ella and Peter talk about. 2.Let some students share their answers,and then check the answers with the class. Page 44,1c 1.Ask the Ss to listen again.Then circle the coloured words they hear. (1)Ella doesn't like history/geography because it's hard/boring. (2)Ella's favourite subject is art/maths because it's fun/important. (3)Peter doesn't like maths/IT because it's boring/difficult. (4)Peter's favourite subject is Chinese/PE because it's useful/exciting. 2.Check the answers with the class. ★Step 4 Post task 【后续任务】 Page 44,1d 1.Ask t ... ...

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