
Unit 6 When was it invented 基础知识练习题(含答案)人教版九年级全册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:71次 大小:40579Byte 来源:二一课件通
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新目标九年级上册英语Unit6基础知识练习题及答案 考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分 姓名 得分 单项选择(15分) ( ) 1.In our school library there _____ a number of books and the number of them _____ growing larger and larger. A.is; are B.has; is C.are; is D.have; are ( ) 2._____ is said that the zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson. A.That B.It C.This D.Which ( ) 3.Franklin _____ electricity, and Edison _____ the light bulb. A.discovered; discovered B.invented; invented C.discovered; invented   D.invented; discovered ( ) 4. We   English in class but Chinese   by us all day. A. speak; speak B. speak; is spoken C. is spoken; speak D. is spoken; is spoken ( ) 5. —What   him last night —He had an accident on the way home. A. took place to B. took place for C. happened to D. happened for ( ) 6. —Why is your sister unhappy these days —She thinks she   . A. is enough fat       B. is fat enough C. isn’t enough thin D. isn’t thin enough ( ) 7. Mr. Yang divided us _____ four groups to practice the conversation. A. among B. into C. from D. by ( ) 8. This kind of machine _____ cutting meat in big restaurants. A. is used to B. is made from C. is made into D. is used for ( ) 9. Bill said nothing could stop him _____ his dream. A. to achieve B. from avoiding C. to avoid D. from achieving ( ) 10. Our English teacher encourages us _____ English more after class. A. to invent B. inventing C. to practice D. practicing ( ) 11. The Olympic Games of 2024 will _____ in France. A. take after B. take off C. take place D. take away ( ) 12. The police found the lost car _____. A. with mistake  B. by accident   C. by mistake  D. in accident ( )13. — Do you know    in ancient China — I have no idea. But I know people once used tree leaves to make paper. A. how paper was made B. how was paper made C. what paper was made D. what was paper made ( )14. Nancy doesn't like doing chores. But she was made _____ the dishes yesterday. A. wash B. to wash C. washing D. to washing ( )15.The potato chips have been in the paper bag for half an hour. They are not _____ any more. A. crispy B. sweet C. salty D. sour 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(10分) 1. I don’t like to eat oranges because they are too s     . 2. There aren’t many c     in the restaurant because of the bad weather. 3. There was only one apple, so mum d     it into two halves and give them to us. 4. Many Olympic champions are regarded as h     in our country. 5. It’s hard to become a p     basketball player. You have to work hard. 6.I want to buy the bicycle,but I don't have e_____ money. 7. Mary comes from Canada,so she's a C_____. But her Chinese is excellent. 8. The computer game was c_____ by a company. You have to pay it money if you play this game. 9.What a terrible s_____!The meat must have gone bad. 10.There is no d_____ that the book is worth reading. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 先通读短文,掌握其大 ... ...

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