
Unit 3 A day out Reading 牛津译林版八年级英语上册课时优化训练(含解析)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:97次 大小:20565Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1 Teenage life Unit 3 A day out Reading—八年级英语牛津译林版上册课时优化训练 一、单选题 1.—The photo makes me think of _____ trip to Hangzhou last year. —Yeah, we had _____ great time there. A. a; / B. an; the C. the; the D. the; a 2.You can see some photos _____ my family _____ the Internet. A.of; on B.with; in C.from; at D.to; by 3.—Sally, I am going to Shanghai for a trip tomorrow. —_____. A.Well done B.You're welcome C.Have a good trip D.Not at all 4.—_____ are you looking for, madam I think everyone is here. —I don't think so. Where's David A. Who B. What C. When D. Where 5.—You promised that you _____ me to Disneyland, Dad. —Well, I did, dear. But we have to change the plan. A. will take B. would take C. has taken D. had taken 6.—When did you _____ the club, David —Last term. I _____ a lot of activities every week. A. join; join B. join in;join C. join; join in D. join in;join in 7.—Will today's homework _____ a lot of time —Yes. I'm afraid I'll have to _____ at least two hours on it. A. take; spend B. cost; take C. take; cost D. spend; take 8.—Where's my English book —Look, is _____ on the ground yours A. one B. the one C. it D. those 9.—What do you think of the talk yesterday —It was _____. Many students felt so _____ that they even fell asleep while listening. A. bored;bored B. bored;boring C. boring; bored D. boring; boring 10._____ a heavy rain this afternoon. A. There have B. There will be C. It has D. There is going to have 二、阅读理解 Last summer holiday, Aunt Emily took us to a safari park(野生动物园) , not far from Liverpool. I was very happy to go as I had never been to a safari park before. It's a very interesting park, full of wild animals running freely. When we got there, we bought our tickets and drove into the park. We were very excited at the thought of going to see the lions. But to get to the lion's place we had to go through the monkeys' land first. And that was an experience because they climbed all over the car, ate apples and bananas, and threw all kinds of things at us. They seemed very unfriendly. Anyway, we went on our way to the lions' place where we had to lock ourselves in the car as we knew lions could be dangerous. A lion came up very close to us. The next thing we knew, it was on the bonnet(车盖) . It looked calm but we felt terrified. Aunt Emily, who isn't very brave, started to call for help. The kids started crying. Only my brother, George, stayed cool. I sounded the horn(喇叭) but nobody heard us. In the end a guard arrived in his car, and the lion just got off our car and started smelling the guard's hand as if nothing was the matter. 11.Which animal did the writer want to see the most A.The lions. B.The elephants. C.The monkeys. D.All of them. 12.Why did they lock themselves in the car A.Because the monkeys might steal things. B.Because they were afraid of being robbed. C.Because the lions might be dangerous in the park. D.Because something was wrong with the car. 13 ... ...

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