
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show 同步练(教师版+学生版)人教版八年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:66次 大小:89258Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A (1a-2d) 基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展 一、根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The students are having a (discuss) about TV shows. 2.I can’t stand (watch) the scary movies. 3.He planned (go) to Beijing next holiday. 4.Jim expects (get) a letter from his parents. 5.No news (be) good news. 6.The students saw an (education) film yesterday. 7.—What kind of movies do you like —I like (act) movies. 二、根据中文意思,补全英语译文 1.我妹妹并不介意看纪录片。 My sister doesn’t documentaries. 2.我希望有一天成为一名老师。 I hope to be a teacher . 3.我期待着赢这场脱口秀。 I expect to win the . 4.我想查明谁做的它。 I want to who did it. 5.我们应该向那些勤奋的学生学习。 We should those hard-working students. 综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航 三、选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 A.other B.about C.heard D.but E.the F.to G.successful Many students like joining school plays.Some think they are too shy 1. stand on the stage, some say they are too busy, and others think that it is very boring. When I 2. the English club would have an English play Snow White, I decided to join it.The main reason was that I really wanted to be on the stage. There were many characters in the play.Of course, the girls wanted to play the princess(公主). Li Fan played the king.Wang Ping and 3. six boys played the seven dwarfs (矮人).I thought I might get the role of the princess,4. He Yan got it.Miss Wang asked me to act the role of the queen.I wasn’t happy 5. this.But Miss Wang said,“ The most important thing is the acting.” From then on, I tried to act the queen. It was difficult for me to do it because I had no experience in acting. After two months’ hard practice, we were ready to play on stage.It was very 6. .People in the hall enjoyed it very much. Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A (3a-3c) 基础必会练强基固本 枝伸叶展 一、根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The old man told us some funny (joke) and made us laugh. 2.Sally thinks the news is more (education) than the sitcom. 3.After a heated (discuss), the headmasters from different schools reached an agreement. 4.Moms always wish their kids (live) happily. 5.Would you mind (tell) me if he will attend the meeting in two days 二、根据中文意思,补全英语译文 1.我想有一天能够周游世界。 I want to travel one day. 2.我认为脱口秀节目很有趣。 I think are very interesting. 3.我们应该向那些勇敢的医务工作者学习。 We should those brave medical workers. 4.你认为《春夜喜雨》这首诗怎么样 What do you the poem Happy Rain on a Spring Night 5.我们应该制订一个如何做得更好的计划。 We should about how to do it well. 综合提升练提质赋能 扬帆远航 三、短文还原 Dear Mike, Nice to meet you! 1. I live in London with my parents, my little sister Rachel and my dog,Cookie.We live in a small house in Greenwich. I live near my school,so I walk to school every day.I like school and my favorite subjects are math and science.What about you What subjects do you like I enjoy playing basketball and I’m on the sch ... ...

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