
人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural Disasters单元检测卷(含解析)

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:32次 大小:28008Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Natural Disasters (100分) 一、语法填空(共10小题,每小题4分) 1.It is _____ (type) that the old man will fall asleep while having dinner. 2.His goal is to get as great a _____ (diverse) of material relating to the latest research on medicine as possible. 3.The Spring Festival is coming and everyone feels _____ (delight) with the atmosphere in the street. 4.Yuan Longping buried himself _____the development of the hybrid rice and made great achievements. 5.As long as we make every effort _____ (solve) the problems, we will surely achieve our goal. 6.Many buildings _____ (sweep) away in the flood last year, which led to many deaths. 7.Never before has our country been so _____ (power) as it is today. 8.He was so pleased with all _____we had done for him that he wrote us a letter to praise us. 9.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _____ (be) broken. 10.The main purpose of the passage is to supply visitors _____hotel information. 二、阅读理解(共4小题,每小题5分) Mathea Allansmith isn’t your typical grandmother. She’s the oldest woman in the world to have completed a marathon. She was 92 years 194 days old when she crossed the finish line at the 2022 Honolulu Marathon, setting the record for the oldest female to complete a marathon. Mathea, now 94, of Koloa, Hawaii, USA, stays in shape all year round by running seven days a week, no matter what the weather e rain or shine, she covers 36 miles every week, even when she’s on holiday. The retired doctor didn’t take up running until she was 46 years old —after a friend suggested running two miles per day. “The Honolulu Marathon is my favorite marathon mainly because it doesn’t close the gate at a certain time, which allows even the slowest runner to finish the race,” she said. “It’s one of the best races. Fantastic registration (注册), set-up and management make it a joy to run the race.” Mathea, who doesn’t allow her age to slow her down, thinks she is the happiest person when she’s on the road. She enjoys running for miles and waving and saying hello to the people she passes. To stay in shape, Mathea keeps a steady training routine (惯例) . “I train all year round but increase the mileage 18 weeks before a marathon,” she said. Mathea said it was her career as a doctor that allowed her to understand how her body and mind respond to diet and exercise. “I see the direct relation between moving and health,” she said. “It is important to reduce stress rather than ignoring it without a plan on how to do so. Of course, exercise of any kind is a natural stress reducer.” Mathea thought getting through the finish line and winning a Guinness World Record title was the excitement of her life. “My family completely surprised me after the 2022 Honolulu Marathon, in which I achieved the world record, by wearing matching T-shirts stating my achievements,” she said. 11.What do we know about Mathea from the first two paragraphs A. She used to be in poor health. B. ... ...

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