
第四周 Unit 3—Unit 4 八年级上册英语人教版每周测验(含解析)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:23698Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第四周 Unit 3—Unit 4 —八年级上册英语人教版每周测验 一、单选题 1.I don't really care if my friends are the same _____ me or different _____ me. A. as;as B. from;from C. as;from D. from;as 2.—You must be very hungry now. —Yes, I'm ready to do some _____ eating. A.serious B.healthy C.local D.extra 3.—Larry has changed a lot since he had a baby. — Yeah. Being a parent has_____ all his love and sense of duty. A. taken up B. brought out C. made up D. given ou 4.—Go and ask Mr. Green for help. —But I don't know_____. A.he lives where B.where does he live C.where he lives D.where is he living 5.—_____ have you been a member of the Youth League —For three years. A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How far 二、完成句子 6.你步行去上学还是骑自行车 Do you _____ to school _____ _____ a bike 7.我和我的妈妈之间没有秘密。 There aren't any secrets _____ my mother _____ me. 8.我不想养狗, 因为我害怕它们。 I don't want to keep dogs because I am _____ _____ them. 9.路不远, 为什么不骑自行车呢 It's not a long way._____ _____ ride a bike 10.他打算骑自行车去动物园。 He plans to go to the zoo _____ _____. 三、阅读理解 Every school has its rules. The rules are different. Here some students are talking about their school rules. Peter Our school asks students to wear uniforms, for example, sports clothes or skirts. Students must tell the school when they go to the movies or leave home in the evening. Zhang Hua Students in our school can't chew gum(嚼口香糖), because it's hard to clean. And we can't eat lunch at school. And we must speak Putonghua at school. Students in our school can't have longhair. We can't get into school with other schools' students. Mike Students in our school must wear sports shoes at school every day. And we can't wear slippers to school because they are not safe. We can easily fall down. 11.The students can't leave home in the evening in_____ school unless they tell their school. A.Peter's B.Zhang Hua's C.Mike's D.Peter and Mike's 12.Why can't the students chew gum in Zhang Hua's school A.Because it is not terrible. B.Because it's hard to clean. C.Because they have no time. D.Because they have no money. 13.Zhang Hua must_____ at school. A.have long hair B.take other schools' students to school C.speak Putonghua D.eat lunch 14.Why can't students in Mike's school wear slippers A.Because they are safe. B.Because they are not safe. C.Because they are good. D.Because they are right. 15.This passage is about_____. A.uniforms B.school shoes C.family rules D.school rules 答案以及解析 一、单选题 1.答案:C 解析:the same as与……相同; be different from与……不同。 2.答案:A 解析:考查形容词辨析。serious 意为“认真的”;healthy 意为“健康的”;local意为“当地的”;extra意为“额外的”。根据“Yes”可知serious符合语境。故选A。 3.答案:B 解析:句意:———自从有了孩子,拉里改变了很多,———是的,为人父激发出了他全部的爱和责任感。考查动词短语,taken up占据;brought out 激发;made up编造;given up 放弃。根据“Being a parent has...all his love and se ... ...

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