
第五周 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater八年级上册英语人教版每周测验(含解析)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:60次 大小:53168Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第五周 Unit 4 —八年级上册英语人教版每周测验 一、单选题 1.—China has done a great job of dealing with poverty. —_____. We're so proud of being Chinese. A.Fantastic B. I have no idea C. Good luck D.It's OK 2.Dad sometimes goes to the supermarket with us_____ he hates going shopping. A.because B.so C.though D.if 3.He is a man with a strong will and nothing will make him_____ his mind. A. to change B. change C.changing D.changed 4.—Shall we have an outdoor party after the exam —Good idea. I think_____ will love it. A.nobody B.anybody C.somebody D.everybody 5.I find Amy_____ very talented. _____, she can dance the most beautifully in our school. A. is; For example B. is; Such as C. was; For example D. was; Such as 二、完成句子 6.南北方的菜肴有共同之处。 The dishes in the north and south have something _____ _____. 7.这个任务太难。露西别无选择只能向他人求助。 The task is too difficult. Lucy has_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ others for help. 8.店里有很多杯子。你可以从它们中选一个。 There are many cups in the shop. You can_____ one_____ them. 9.当我做选择有困难时,吴老师会帮我。 When I have difficulty in_____ _____ _____, Mr. Wu will help me. 10.很多有趣的地方有一些共同之处。 Many places of interest_____ something_____ _____. 三、阅读理解 ①Would you like to get fewer colds and feel better Would you like to have a taste of a special plant Would you like to keep a plant with little care An Aloe Vera plant could be just what the scientists may suggest! ②Growing Aloe Vera plants at home can make the air clean and fresh. Studies have shown that they give off oxygen (O2) and take away harmful things from the air. With clean and fresh air, you are more likely to stay away from colds, sore throats and dry coughs. And even if you do get sick, Aloe Vera plants may help you get better from the illness faster. ③Did you know that Aloe Vera plants can be used as medicine Aloe Vera gel(胶体) helps to deal with the pain of burns. And it also helps with itchiness(痒) caused by insect bites. To get this gel, just cut off a part of the plant, peel it, and put the gel on the affected skin(患处). This easy-to-get and safe-to-use medicine is available to you all year round. ④ Apart from medical use, Aloe Vera plants are also popular in food industry. Whether you are interested in Aloe juice or crazy about Aloe yogurt, you'll easily find them in the supermarket. Aloe Vera can also go with other vegetables to make a safe dish on your dinner table. ⑤ ▲ . They like dry, warm air with bright light, so they grow best when placed near a window. Aloe Vera plants are able to keep water in their leaves. So, they do not need to be watered so often as most houseplants. Just wait until the earth is completely dry before you water them. When watering, make sure the earth is wet enough so that it can last for a long time. That's all you need to do to take care of an Aloe Vera plant. Isn't it the perfect plant for lazy and forgetful gardeners 11.In Paragraph 1, the writer leads into ... ...

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