
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B【人教八上英语教案精彩课堂(教案+素材)】

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:99次 大小:716104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 8 Section B【人教八上英语教案精彩课堂(教案+素材)】 导入一 头脑风暴 将下列名词分为可数名词与不可数名词。 (1)milk  (2)tomato  (3)teaspoon (4)popcorn  (5)yogurt  (6)salt (7)apple  (8)onion  (9)dumpling  (10)shake  (11)juice  (12)meat (13)cup  (14)porridge  (15)watermelon (16)mutton 导入二 三明治的制作过程   Do you like to eat sandwiches How to make them We need bread, yogurt, tomatoes, ham, lettuce and honey.   First, pour the yogurt and honey onto a slice of bread.   Next, cut up the tomatoes.   Then, put the tomatoes on the bread.   After that, put the lettuce and the ham on the bread.   Finally, put another slice of bread on the top. 导入三 世界上最大的三明治   当地时间2012年5月22日,英国一名厨师制作出了全世界最大的夹肉三明治。该三明治中间有41层不同的肉类,重达12.7千克,据称一个人需要耗费惊人的10小时才能将该三明治吃完。这个巨大的三明治被冠以“食肉动物的梦想”称号。该三明治的高度为38厘米,宽度为60厘米,中间的肉类包括1.445千克火腿,2千克意大利腊肠、熏肉以及火鸡肉,1千克肉肠以及0.72千克西班牙香肠,同时,中间还夹杂着奶酪和黄瓜等。   这名厨师特里斯坦·韦尔奇(Tristan Welch)同时还是一家餐厅的老板,他并未透露制作这个三明治所耗费的时间。 活动设计                          活动一 现场制作创意三明治   1.Ask students to make a sandwich with the food they have prepared in the classroom. Let's see which group makes the most creative sandwich.   2.Then ask some students to tell how to make the sandwich.   3.Students who did well can eat the creative sandwich. 活动二 Pair-work (两两对话,选两位同学,谈论某种饮料的制作过程。)   T: Boys and girls, what's your favorite drink   Ss: It's tea/orange juice/a banana milk shake/an apple milk shake…   T: Do you know how to make it Why not talk about it   Ss: OK.   A: …   B: …   For example:   A: Let's talk about how to make a kind of drink.   B: OK. Do you know how to make a kind of special tea   C: First, make the teapot and cups clean.   D: Next, put some tea leaves in the teapot.   A: After that, get the water boiled.   B: Then, put some candy, honey, ice or milk into the teapot.   C: Then, pour the boiled water into the teapot.   D: Finally, drink your special tea.   (小组内的同学分角色表演,谈论某种饮料的制作方法。) 活动三 厨艺大赛(每个小组推荐一人现场制作食品,培养学生的动手能力。)   Ask one student of each group to make a kind of food in the classroom and choose the winner. 活动四 电影欣赏   教师播放电影片段《感恩节的来历》。   After watching the movie clip, ask the students some questions. 听说训练                          (听力原文:Section B 1c, 1d) Ⅰ. 听录音,选择最佳答案。 (  )1.What kind of food are they talking about (  )2. What is put on a piece of bread first (  )3. They cut up a tomato and a(n)     . (  )4. What's on the cheese (  )5. What do they put on top finally   ◎Keys: 1-5 ABCBA Ⅱ.听录音,补全对话。 Girl: How do you make a cheese sa ... ...

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