
Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 Section B 课件(共22张PPT)2024-2025学年仁爱版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:82次 大小:24992967Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 仁爱版八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 SectionB Learning objectives 能根据老师提供的情景编写对话。(迁移创新) 0 3 (1) Review the words about professions. (2) Can use the important phrases and sentences to communicate freely: know about play for grow up a basketball player like him What`s your favorite ... Who is your favorite... Do you know anything about... What are you going to be when you grow up (3) Can use the Future Tense to talk about your dream. (4) Love sports and study hard to realize your dream. 0 1 听懂话题的谈话并能从中提取信息和观点;(学习理解) 能在教师的指导下进行角色表演;(应用实践) 0 2 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic1 I'm going to play basketball Section B Sport is the source of all life Yao Ming is a basketball player. He played basketball in the NBA. Who is him Learn to walk before you run I’m going to be a cook when I grow up. That’s my dream. 长大 Learn to walk before you run policeman postman fisherman policewoman Read the words and match, paying attention to the pronunciation. Learn to walk before you run I am going to be a basketball player like Yao Ming. 像 That’s my dream. 梦想 Learn to walk before you run Who are they Do you want to be them What is your favorite sport Who is your favorite player Work in pairs Learn to walk before you run I’m going to be a scientist when I grow up. That’s my dream. 科学家 Learn to walk before you run What's your dream What are you going to be(成为) when you grow up I am going to be a/an .... Jobs 厨师 医生 护士 农民 cook 工人 教师 司机 办公室人员 doctor nurse farmer worker teacher driver office worker Learn to walk before you run Brain storm Can you name the the following professions player/plei r/ musician/mju: zi n / pilot /paili t / scientist/ sai ntist/ policeman/p li:sm n / policewoman/p li:swum n/ postman/ p ustm n / fisherman/ fi m n/ Learn to walk before you run scientist / 'sai ntist/ pilot /'pail t / player /'plei / musician /mju:'zi n / policeman /p 'li:sm n / postman / 'p ustm n / fisherman /'fi m n/ policewoman /p ' li:swum n/ Stephen Hawking 运动员 音乐家 飞行员 科学家 男警察 女警察 邮递员 渔夫 Learn to walk before you run Maria’s favorite sport is _____. Her favorite player is _____, but she is going to be _____ in the future. It’s her dream. Michael’s _____. His _____, and he’s _____. It’s _____. basketball LeBron James a scientist favorite sport is basketball, too favorite player is Yao Ming going to be a basketball player like him his dream Rewrite the conversation. Post-listening Learn to walk before you run Brain storm Can you name the the following professions teacher doctor cook farmer worker driver office worker nurse Learn to walk before you run What are you going to be when you grow up Work in pairs Learn to walk before you run Listen to 1a and complete the table. Name Favorite sport Favorite player Dream job Maria Michael basketball LeBron James a scientist basketball Yao Ming a b ... ...

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