
Unit 1 The Changing World Topic 3单词讲练课件(共27张PPT)仁爱版九年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:59次 大小:590047Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Topic 3 Section A 1. _____=_____事实上,其实 _____, it’s a wonderful place to live. 2. block n. 街区,(方形平面)大块 Near our block, there are beautiful parks. This is a block of ice. as a matter of fact in fact As a matter of fact 3. art n. --_____ n. 艺术家,画家 Tom wants to be _____ artist when he grows up. A lot of _____ perform plays, concerts and operas there. 4. _____ 数以百万计的 Every year, _____(数以百万计的) visitors come to enjoy wonderful music and dance on Broadway. Every year, _____(五百万) visitors come to enjoy wonderful music and dance on Broadway. artist an artists millions of millions of five million 5. visit v. 参观 --_____ n. 游客,来访者,参观者 6. industry v. 行业,工业 Broadway stands for the American theater industry. heavy industry / light industry visitor 7. _____ n. 化学品 adj. 化学的--_____ n. 化学 The children are having a _____. She was always interested in things like _____ and history. The _____ factory produces terrible gas. There are many _____ in the food. 8. term n. 学期,词语,术语 He learned many medical terms. I'm not happy with his work this term. chemical chemistry chemistry chemistry chemical chemicals Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B 1. _____ 电视节目 The article says one city has a wonderful _____. 2. _____ adj. 无家可归的 -- _____ n. 无家可归 It is about a program that helps _____ people. There are many causes of _____. TV program program homeless homelessness homeless homelessness 3. manage v. 完成(困难的事),能解决(问题)-- _____ 设法完成某事 Although we know there were many difficulties in the task, we still managed _____(finish) it ahead of time. My uncle has _____(manage) this school for 8 years since his parents passed away. manage to do to finish manage manager n. 经理 4. treat (v.)招待;把……看作,医治 (n.)招待; --_____ n. 疗法,治疗 _____ 医疗 It’s my treat. Choose whatever you like. It’s important for the students to treat study carefully. I decided to treat his remark as a joke. Sometimes simply taking a pill can treat the same illness. [2019三门峡二模阅读C] Can the homeless people get enough food, homes and medical _____ treatment medical treatment treat sb. as... 把...看做... Trick or treat. treatment 5. train (n.)火车; (v.)培训;训练;--_____ n. 训练 The man led the camel train into the desert. The athletes are training for the Olympics. You can train your mind to think positively. training 6. Our government provided them with tents and medical treatment _____.(立刻,马上) 7. Xiao Lin is not only the _____(秘书) of the Helper’s Club but also an excellent computer _____(工程师) 8. wound n. 创伤,伤口 v. 伤,伤害 He has been away from the army for twelve years because of a leg wound. If you are wounded by what someone says or does, your feelings are deeply hurt. immediately sacretary engineer Unit 1 Topic 3 Section C 2. value n.价值 v. 重视,珍视 --_____ adj. 很有价值的 _____ 很有价值 I really value him as a frie ... ...

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