
Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Section B 1a~1e课件(共22张PPT,内嵌音视频) 2024-2025学年人教版英语八年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:30次 大小:126996647Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B 1a~1e At the end of the class, we are able to: 1. use conjunctions, imperative sentences and vocabularies from this lesson to discuss the preparation and recipe(食谱) of sandwiches.(Language ability) 2.keep interest in learning English and actively take part in various English practice activities through discussions about sandwich preparation.(Learning ability) 3.get and express information about making sandwiches in listening and speaking activities.(Quality of thinking) 4.understand the differences in cooking culture between Western and Eastern.(Cultural awareness) Learning Objectives Warming Up Let’s enjoy a video. What can you see in the video Do you like sandwiches What kind of sandwiches do you know about What can we put in a sandwich n./ s nw t / 1a Make a list of the things you like in a sandwich. bread onion turkey lettuce tomato butter In my sandwich, I like _____ _____ bread, butter, tomatoes, lettuce, turkey and onions. Pre-listening 1b Ask and answer questions with a partner. Find out what he / she likes in a sandwich. A: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like tomatoes B: No, I don’t. n./ let s / First, … Next, … Then, … Finally, … While-listening I like cheese sandwiches. How to make a cheese sandwich 1c Look at the picture in 1a. Listen and circle the words you hear. bread onion turkey lettuce tomato butter n./ t ki / First Next Then Finally butter 1d Listen again. Write the ingredients in the order you hear them. bread tomatoes onion cheese lettuce bread Listen and read. Girl : How do you make a cheese sandwich Boy : Well, first put some butter on a piece of bread①. Girl : How much butter Boy : Oh, about one spoon. Girl : OK. What else Boy : Next, cut up some tomatoes. Girl : How many tomatoes Boy : Well, maybe one is enough. Put the tomato on the sandwich. Next, cut up an onion. n./ b t (r) / Click to learn more! Girl : Sounds good. What about the cheese Boy : Next, put some cheese on the sandwich. Girl : How much cheese Boy : Not too much, but you can put more if you like. Girl : OK. Is that all Boy : Not quite. Then, put some lettuce on the cheese. Girl : Sounds delicious! Boy : Finally, put another piece of bread on top. Girl : Great! pieces of bread tomato onion butter lettuce cheese Let’s study how to make a cheese sandwich. ingredients First Put some butter on a piece of bread. Next Cut up one tomato. Put the tomato on the sandwich. Cut up an onion. Next Put some cheese on the sandwich. Next Then Finally Put some lettuce on the cheese. Put another piece of bread on top. 1e Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich. A: First, put some butter on a piece of bread. B: How much butter A: About one spoon. Post-listening 芝士三明治 _____ 一片面包 _____ 把……放在……上 _____ a piece of bread put ...on... cheese sandwich Key Phrases 1. Well, first put some butter on a piece ... ...

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