
2024秋人教八年级上册 Unit 10 If you go to the party, you'll have a good time 知识点复习测试卷(原版+教师版)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:80次 大小:544570Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 10 If you go to the party, you'll have a good time 知识点复习测试卷 一、 if 引导条件状语从句 if 引导状语条件从句时, 意为 如果 , if 后面的句子为 从句 ; 1. 主将从现(主句为一般将来时, 从句为一般现在时); Eg. If it rains (rain), I will stay at home. = I will stay at home if it rains (rain). 2. 主情从现 (主句含有情态动词 must、may、can…, 从句为一般现在时); Eg. If you work (work) hard, you can get good grades. 3. 主祈从现 (主句为祈使句, 从句要用一般现在时态); Eg. Don't play computer games if you don't finish (not finish) your homework. 4. 句型转换 if… not 如果不, 相当于 unless 除非; 可进行句型转换; if 引导的状语从句, 可与: 祈使句 + or/ and + 句子 进行转换; if 引导的状语从句, 可用with / without 改写; Eg. If you don't hurry up, you will be late. Hurry up, or you will be late. If you help me, I will work it out. With your help, I will work it out. Without your help, I won't work it out. 实践运用 I. 按要求完成句子 46.Put on a coat, or you will catch a cold. (保持原句意思不变) _____ you _____ put on a coat, you will catch a cold. 47.Nobody can live without air or water. (使上下两句意思基本相同) _____ there is no air or water, nobody can live. 48.We won’t visit the Palace Museum unless we are free.(保持句意不变) We won’t visit the Palace Museum _____ we _____ free. 49.Eat breakfast, or you’ll be hungry for a whole morning. (改为同义句) _____ you _____ eat breakfast, you’ll be hungry for a whole morning. 50.If you don’t work harder, you’ll fail the exam. (同义句转换) _____ _____, or you’ll fail the exam. 51.Be quick, or you’ll be late. (改为同义句) _____ you _____ quick, you _____ be late. 52.Work hard, and you will pass this exam. (改为同义句) _____ you _____ work hard, you _____ _____ this exam. 53.She can’t finish the hard work on time without your help. (改为同义句) She can’t finish the hard work on time _____ you _____ help her. 54.You will be late unless you hurry up.(改为同义句) You’ll be late _____ you _____ _____ up. 55.I am happy. You come to the party. (用if合并为一句) _____ you come to the party, I will _____ happy. 答案:46. If don’t 47. If 48. if aren’t 49. if don’t 50. Work harder 51. If aren’t will 52. If don’t will fail 53. if don’t 54. if don’t hurry 55. If be 二、基础过关 1. 词汇检测 meeting n. 会议; sports meeting 运动会; have / hold a meeting 举办会议; meet v.遇见; parents' meeting 家长会; class meeting 班级会议 organize v. 组织; organization n. 组织; organized adj. 有组织的, 系统的; organizer n. 组织者; upset adj. 难过的, 失望的, 沮丧的; sad / down adj. (近义词)悲伤的, 沮丧的; advice n. 劝告; a piece of advice 一条建议; suggestion n. (近义词)建议; give advice on sth. 给某人在某方面给建议; advise / suggest v. 建议; advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事; travel v. 旅行; traveler /traveller n. 旅行者; travel around the world 周游世界; teenager n. 青少年; teenage adj. 青少年的; 相关词: adult n. 成年人; kid n. 孩子; children pl. 孩子们; normal adj. 正常的, 一般的; normally adv. 一般 ... ...

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