
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry Section B课件(共49张PPT)人教版九年级全册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:66次 大小:1139363Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B 请在此处输入您的标题 Please enter your title here Vocabulary 1. remain 反义词为 usual(平常的,通常的),副词形式为 unusually (异常地)。 练习:You can see something _____ in the Science Museum. remain 请在此处输入您的标题 Please enter your title here Vocabulary 2. support 后接名词或代词作宾语。 常用短语support sb.in sth.“在某方面支持某人” 练习:Air, food and water are necessary to _____ life. support 请在此处输入您的标题 Please enter your title here Vocabulary 3. communicate communicate with sb.意为“与某人交流/沟通”。其名词形式为 communication。 练习:Young people sometimes can't _____ with their parents easily. communicate 请在此处输入您的标题 Please enter your title here Vocabulary 4. search for 指搜寻的具体目标强调动作,后面的宾语是寻找的目标。 练习:Scientists are still _____ a cure for the cold. searching for 请在此处输入您的标题 Please enter your title here Vocabulary 5. hear sb.doing sth hear sb.doing sth是听到正在进行的动作而不是整个过程 hear sb. do sth意为“听到某人做某事”,是听到做的整个过程,或听到经常这样做,变为被动语态时,要把动词不定式符号to添上 练习:I _____ them laughing when passed his house. heard Please fill the chart according to yourself. Colors Meaning Makes you black white red blue green For me … Colors Meaning Makes you black darkness Feel serious white clean Think of purity red happy Feel warm blue sad Feel free green vitality Feel quiet and peaceful 1a Look at the possible endings to the story about the unhappy king. Do you think any of these is the right one If so, which one a.The general cannot find a happy person and the king remains unhappy forever. b.The general finds a happy person with power and money. c.The general realizes he is a happy person and gives his shirt to the king to wear. d.The king suddenly becomes happy without the shirt of a happy person. 1b What are some other possible endings to the story Discuss your ideas with your partner. The general found a poor man. The man was very happy. The poor man gave his shirt to the general. 1c Listen to The Shirt of a Happy Man (Part Ⅱ) and check ( ) the things that happened in the rest of the story. _____ The general searched for three days and found a happy person. _____ The general could not find a happy person. _____ The general saw a poor man on the street. _____ The poor man was a happy man. _____ The poor man gave the general his shirt. 1d Listen again. Answer the questions. 1.How long did it take the general to find the happy man 2.What was the poor man doing on the street It took the general two days to find the happy man. He was eating some food with his hands and singing happily to himself. 3.What made the poor man so happy even though he had no power, money or fame 4.Do you think the general will return to the king with the poor man’s shirt Why or why not He had everything he wanted and didn’t want what he couldn’t have. No, becau ... ...

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