
人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party?课前导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:59次 大小:24910Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(9)Unit 9 Can you come to my party —八年级英语人教版上册课前导学 课前预习 _____ 在星期六下午 _____ 必须 _____ 准备 _____ 去看病 _____ 患流感 _____ 去看电影 _____ 下次,另外的时间,别的时间 _____ 去年秋天 _____ 闲逛 _____ 放学后 _____ 备考 _____ 前天 _____ 后天 _____ 照看 _____ 制定邀请 _____ 接受邀请 _____ 在本月底 _____ 期望/渴望 _____ 写回信 _____ 收到某人的来信 _____ 购物 _____ 直到……才…… _____ 拒绝邀请 _____ 在周末 重点语法: 情态动词can 表示邀请 情态动词 can 表达邀请时,要用其一般疑问句形式,常用句型为“Can you... ”。could 表达邀请时比 can 更委婉,更礼貌。 用情态动词 can 发出邀请的回答 ① 常见的接受邀请的回答 Sure, I'd love/like to. Yes, Id love/like to. Sure, thanks for inviting/your invitation. ②常见的拒绝邀请的回答 Sorry. I'm not available/I'm busy. I'm sorry. I have to... I'd love/like to, but I'm afraid I can't... I'm sorry. I have to study for a test. I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't. I have to take piano lessons 向别人发出邀请、请求、建议或征求别人的意见的其他表达方式 Let's do sth.咱们做某事吧。 Shall we do sth. 我们做某事好吗 Would you mind (not) doing sth. 你介意(不)做某事吗 How/What about doing sth. 做某事怎么样 You'd better (not)do sth.你最好(不要)做某事。 Why not do sth. 为什么不做某事呢 Would you like to do sth. 你愿意做某事吗 Would/Could you please(not)do sth. 请你(不要)做某事好吗 拓展: “情态动词can的其他用法: ①表示能力 I can speak English.我会说英语 ②表示请求许可 Can I use your pen ③表示推测 This purple bag can't be Jack's. 二、预习自测 1.My aunt offered me a dictionary and I_____ it happily. A. accepted B. invited C. mixed D. Grew 2.—Are you going to Tom's birthday party —No, I'm not. I refused his_____. Because I must go to the doctor. A. tradition B.prediction C. preparation D. Invitation 3.We need to learn to_____ other people's good advice. Good advice is beyond price. A. disagree B.accept C.receive D. refuse 4.Mr. White invited me_____ the hill with him last weekend. A. to climb B.climb C.climbingher D.climbed 5.—Ms. Huang, what would you like_____ your afternoon tea —Just a cup of coffee_____ any sugar or milk. A. for;without B.to;without C.for;with D. to;with 答案以及解析 一、 on Saturday afternoon have to prepare for go to the doctor have the flu go to the movies another time last fall hang out after school study for a test the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow look after make an invitation accept an invitation at the end of this month look forward to doing reply in writing hear from sb. go shopping not…until… turn down (refuse) an invitation on the weekend=on weekends 二、 1.答案:A 解析:句意为:我的姨母给了我一本词典,我开心地接受了。accept 意为“接受”;invite意为“邀请”;mix意为“混合”;grow意为“种植”。根据语境,故选A项。 2.答案:D 解析:tradition 意为“传统”;prediction 意为“预言;预测”;preparation意为“准备”;invitation意为“邀请”。结合语境,故选D项。 3.答案:B 解析:句意为:我们需要学会接受别人的好建议。好的建议是无价之宝。根据语境可知,此处指“接受别人的建议”。故选B项。 4.答案 ... ...

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