
仁爱科普版(2024)八年级上册Unit 1 Playing Sport Topic 1 Section B课件(共16张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:88次 大小:14856811Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball. Section B player n. 运动员;比赛者,选手 rocket n. 火箭 dream n. 梦想;梦 v. 做梦 grow v. 成长,发育,种植,变成 grow up 长大成人 scientist n. 科学家 future n. 将来 in the future 今后 musician n. 乐手,音乐家 pilot n. 飞行员;驾驶员 policeman n.男警察 policewoman n. 女警察 postman n. 邮递员;邮差 fisherman n. 渔民;钓鱼的人 New words and expressions Warming-up Warming-up Do you know Olympics What’s your favorite sport Warming-up cycling cycling cycling cycling cycling table tennis skiing skating rowing football / soccer Who’s your favorite player My favorite player is … 运动员,选手 David Beckham Guo Jingjing Yao Ming Liu Xiang Michael Jorden Sun Yang What are you going to be when you grow up I’m going to be a/an … That’s my dream. 长大成人 梦想 Read the words and match,paying attention to the pronunciation. scientist pilot player musician Pre-listening policeman postman fisherman policewoman Read the words and match, paying attention to the pronunciation. Yao Ming is a basketball player. He played basketball in the NBA. Who is him Listen to 1a and complete the table. Name Favorite sport Favorite player Dream job Maria Michael basketball LeBron James a scientist basketball Yao Ming a basketball player Whilw-listening Maria’s favorite sport is _____. Her favorite player is _____, but she is going to be _____ in the future. It’s her dream. Michael’s _____. His _____, and he’s _____. It’s _____. basketball LeBron James a scientist favorite sport is basketball, too favorite player is Yao Ming going to be a basketball player like him his dream Rewrite the conversation. Post-listening 3a Read the pairs of words and pay attention to the difference between /e/ and /ei/. /e/-- /ei/ wet--wait let--late get--gate said--say 3b Read the phrases and the conversation, paying attention to the incomplete plosion. baske(t)ball game favori(t)e sport nex(t) weekend agains(t) Class Three 2. A: What’s your favori(t)e sport B: Table tennis, of course. A: An(d) who’s your favori(t)e player B: Wang Hao. Notice that the consonant in bracket sounds very light when it is before another consonant. 根据中文意思,完成句子。 I am going to be a doctoe _____ (像我妈妈一样). Who’s your _____ (最喜欢的运动员) What are you going to be when you _____ (长大成人) Mike wants to be a musician _____ (在将来). What’s your _____ (梦想的工作) like my mother grows up favorite player in the future dream job Exercises Summary We learn: 1. Jobs: scientist, musician, pilot, policeman, policewoman, postman, fisherman 2. Phrases: play for, grow up, in the future, dream job We can: 1. Talk about the favorite sports, players and dream jobs 2. Make sentences by using “be going to”. Homework Please make a card about your favorite sports player. Name: Weight: Age: Hobby: Sex: Favorite color: Nationality: Favorite food: Height: Birthday: ... ...

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