
人教版九年级全册Unit 6 When was it invented?作文

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:15次 大小:312293Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版九年级上册unit6作文 本单元谈论的话题是“发明”。内容涉及很多方面, 如介绍一位熟悉的发明家, 介绍/评价/设想一项发明等。 素材积累 发明物介绍类作文常用词汇: fridge, invention, robot, mobile phone, TV, computer, light, washing machine, helpful, useful, important, interesting, boring, change, be used for 发明物介绍类作文常用句型: 1. …was invented by… 2. …have changed our life a lot. 3. Which is the most useful invention 4. …was / is used for / to… 5. I hope it will become… 写作任务1 学校英文网站最近正在举行主题为 “My favorite invention”的征文比赛。假设你是王华, 打算参加这次比赛。请根据以下内容提示, 写一篇英语短文, 不少于80词。 light bulb Inventor Thomas Edison, 美国发明家 Time 1879年10月21日 Material 玻璃和金属 Use 照明, 让人们在夜晚工作或学习成为可能 Development 节能(save energy), 环保, 便宜 My favorite invention Hello, everyone! My name is Wang Hua. There are lots of great inventions in the world. They have changed our world a lot. However, my favorite invention is the light bulb. It was invented by Thomas Edison, a great American inventor. And it was invented on October 21, 1879. The first light bulb was made of glass and metal. It was used for providing people with light and the invention made it possible for people to work and study at night. Now the invention has been improved a lot. People are making better lighting products. They can help to save energy and protect the environment. What's more, they are cheaper. I hope it will become more and more useful in the future. 写作任务2 Write at least 80 words on the topic “I Want to Invent…”(以“我想要发明_____”为题, 写一篇不少于80词的短文, 标点符号不占格) 提示:1.It can be used to… 2. It will be exciting/necessary/helpful to… I Want to Invent a Family Robot Doctor I want to invent a family robot doctor. It will be invented by me with the help of my friends. And it will be invented when we grow up and get enough knowledge. It will be used in each home. It can be used to deal with people's health problems without the need of going out. People can get help from the robot doctor immediately when they feel sick or get hurt. So, without any doubt, it will be very helpful to have such a robot. 写作任务3 假如你在学校的科技周活动中,想向同学们“推———你的一项新发明。请根据下面的提示准备一份英语发言稿。 提示:1. What’s it and when was it invented 2. What’s it used for 3. What’s it like 4. How does it work 5. How much is it May I have your attention, please I’d like to introduce my new invention to you. It is an alarm on your glasses. It was invented three months ago. It is used for finding your glasses in your home or at school. The alarm is controlled by a remote control with a button on it. First press the button, and the alarm will make a sound. Then follow the sound to look for your glasses. You must want to know how much it is. It’s 20 yuan. It’s cheap and good. You can afford one. Don’t you hate it when you can’t find your glasses If so, please come to me and buy one. 写作任 ... ...

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