
Unit 3 Robots Grammar九年级英语牛津译林版下册课时优化训练(含解析)

日期:2024-09-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:58次 大小:18462Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 2 The future Unit 3 Robots Grammar—九年级英语牛津译林版下册课时优化训练 一、单选题 1.—This math exercise is _____ difficult _____ I can't work it out. —Come on! Use your head and you will find a way. A. such; that B. so; which C. so; that D. such a; that 2.—Can you tell me when the Boeing 737-800 planes will be allowed to fly again, sir —I'm afraid it's still _____ to talk about that. A. late enough B. early enough C. too late D. too early 3.—Could you tell me _____ —It’s about 6,300 kilometres long. A. how wide is the Changjiang River B. how wide the Changjiang River is C. how long is the Changjiang River D. how long the Changjiang River is 4.Each of the _____ students on the stage _____ help from their teachers and parents. A. frightening, need B. frightened, needs to C. frightening, needs to D. frightened, needs 5.—What have you learned from the space class in Shenzhou-13 —It is impossible for astronauts to walk in space like they _____ do on Earth. A. mainly B. smoothly C. certainly D. normally 二、翻译题 6.我认为电脑对我的日常生活有很好的帮助。 I consider my computer _____ . 7.妈妈整天忙于做各种家务活。 Mother is _____ all day long. 8.记得按时吃药。 Remember _____ on time. 9.你知道到哪儿能找到他吗 Do you know _____ 10.他发现双胞胎的卧室一团糟。 He found the twins' bedroom _____ . 三、阅读理解 Ink wash painting (水墨画) is an old and beautiful Chinese art. This special drawing technique is created with a brush, dipped into ink, then in water before being painted onto rice paper or silk. As you can see, the paintings are created just in black and white. It is said that the technique was invented by an artist named Wang Wei. Ink wash paintings often feature trees, flowers, landscapes, animals, birds and people. Also, they often go with Chinese poems. The painting style does not put high importance on a precise description of a real scene or object. They are often improvised (即兴的) works from beautiful scenery (风景). Therefore, this type of painting is hard to copy. Today there are many new Chinese artists that use the traditional Chinese ink wash technique to draw new sceneries and pictures. The first ink wash animation (动画) in China came out in 1960. It’s called Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy. All the animals, plants and rocks in the film are drawn with ink and brush. The film is about 15 minutes long. But it took lots of work. Without computers, the artists had to draw everything by hand. One second of animation needs 24 pictures! Little Tadpole Looking for Mummy won prizes at home and abroad. From then on, ink wash painting and animation becomes more popular in China. People in the world get to know more about ink wash since then! 1.What color are the ink wash paintings A.Black. B.Green. C.Black and white. 2.What do ink wash paintings often go with A.Birds. B.Flowers. C.Poems. 3.Why are ink wash painting hard to copy A.Because they takes a lot of time. B.Because they are too beautiful to copy. C.Because they are ofte ... ...

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