

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:16次 大小:16883Byte 来源:二一课件通
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一般过去时的复习教学设计 教学内容 人教版八年级上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B (Self check&Revision)一般过去时的复习 设计者 学校 时间 5.58分钟 Teaching content: Review the simple past tense and do exercises. Teaching objectives: 1.Knowledge aims: ①Ss can be more familiar with the rules of past tense. ②Ss do exercises about the simple past tense correctly. 2.Ability aims:: ①Ss can record a vacation in a form of an English hand-written newspaper and express their feelings about the vacations. 3.Emotional aims: Ss get to know more about each other through the exchange of what they have seen, heard and felt. 4.Teaching important and difficult points: Ss master the past tense of regular and irregular verbs. Ss master the structures of the simple past tense. Teaching procedures 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计理念 Step1: Lead-in 1. Show a video that Tom talks about his summer vacation. 2.Present the sentences that used the simple past tense. 1.Watch the video. 2.Focus on the sentences: ①I went to Beijing last summer vacation. It was really exciting. ② I bought you a gift. It wasn’t expensive. ③I had Beijing duck. It was delicious. Get Ss interest to learn English. Lead them to pay attention to the these sentences. Step2: Review 1. Show the definition of the simple past tense. Present the past tense of regular changing rules and irregular e to Xiao Xia’s class to get Ss to review the structures of the simple past tense. Review and remember the definition, the rules and the structures of the simple past tense by following the teacher. 1.Help Ss to be more familiar with the simple past tense. 2.Make full preparations for doing the following exercises. 谓语动词为“be”动词和实义动词的情况 Step 3: Exercise 1.Give Ss 5 minutes to work on the exercise in Self check. 2.Check the answers one by one. 1.Pause the micro class for 5 minutes to finish the task in Self check. 2.Circle the key words to answer correctly 3. Follow the teacher to check the answers . 1.Do exercises to consolidate the usage of the simple past tense. 2.Guide Ss to catch the keys to improve the accuracy. Step4 : Homework Show task one: Complete the sentences according to the request. Show some examples English hand-written newspaper about vacations or trip. Get Ss to make their own works. 1.Finish the task one by using the revision of the simple past tense. 2.Make their own English hand-written newspaper about vacation or trip. 1.Check themselves if they can use the knowledge to finish task. 2.Express their feelings about the vacation. Learn to share what they have seen, heard and felt.

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