

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:30次 大小:13218551Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    参考答案 听力 1-5 BBACA 6-10ABCBC 11-15 CABAC 16-20 ACACB 阅读理解 21-23CCA 24-27 BCBD 28-31 BBAD 32-35 DAAC 36-40 FDABC 完形填空 41-45 BACDB 46-50 ACCAB 51-55 CDABD 语法填空 56. flexibility 考查词形转换。此处需填名词。 57. to make 考查非谓语动词。不定式作目的状语。 58.which 考查关系代词。which引导非限制性定语从句。 59. a 考查不定冠词。不定冠词表泛指。 60. have entered 考查谓语动词。In recent years一般用于现在完成时。 61. adding 考查非谓语动词。现在分词作状语。 62. accidental 考查词形转换。此处需填形容词。 63. but 考查并列连词。not...but...,表“不是...而是... ”。 64. As 考查介词。as表“作为”。 65. mirrors 考查谓语。与represents,holds构成并列谓语。 应用文 Dear Chris, How is everything going I’m writing to share with you an exciting experience I had last Friday. Our school held the textbook drama competition, and I participated in it with my classmates. We acted out a scene from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. I played the role of Romeo, and it was a challenging but rewarding experience. We spent several weeks preparing for the competition, practicing our lines. On the day of the competition, we were all nervous but also excited to perform. Despite some nerves, I think we did a great job and received a lot of positive feedback from the audience. Participating in the competition was a great opportunity for me to improve my acting skills and confidence. It also allowed me to work with my classmates and develop our teamwork skills. I learned a lot from the competition, and I’m grateful for the experience. What have you been up to lately I hope you’re having a great time. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 读后续写 The man wrapped the scarf around his neck, instantly feeling a bit warmer. “Thank you. You are an angel,” he murmured, a glimmer of smile coming to his dry lips. He grabbed the scarf tightly, his eyes shining with tears. In that moment, Emma realized what she presented was not just a scarf but also a sign of hope. Inspired, she determined to bring that spark of hope to more people. An idea suddenly popped into her head that she could set up a knitting club to bring more warmth to those in need. Then Emma waved him goodbye and hurried to school, her heart light and warm. Led by Emma, Knits for Hope Club was started in her school. Her classmates expressed their willingness to do their part. With the passage of time, the club grew in numbers and enthusiasm. By the end of winter, Knits for Hope had distributed more than two hundred hand-knitted items, warming numerous bodies and hearts. Through their needles, they had knitted a blanket of community, compassion, and warmth that enveloped everyone. Never did Emma realize the impact of her small gesture. It wasn’t about the scarves or hats; it was about weaving kindness into the fabric of society, showing that even the smallest acts can create the warmest changes. 听力原稿: (Text 1) M: How do you learn Spanish Polly W: My dad bought me a Spanish CD for my computer, but actually I prefer th ... ...

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