
Unit 2 单元重点单词变形短语语法句型知识点复习(含解析)2024-2025学年八年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(人教版)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:30次 大小:33654Byte 来源:二一课件通
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班级 姓名 学号 分数 Unit 2 How often do you exercise 单元重点单词变形短语语法句型精练 (时间:60分钟,满分:100分) 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1.30% of the students (do) exercise at all. 2.The movie is so (interest) that I’ll see it again tomorrow. 3.We do morning (exercise) at school every day. 4.They go to see their uncle (one) a week. 5.He likes doing sports, such as (swim) and playing basketball. 6.It is good to learn English by (use) the Internet. 7.Lily dreams of being a (write). 8.Sleeping eight hours every night is good for our (healthy). 9.I’ve got a toothache, so I need to go to the (dentist). 10.The of the pet dog makes my younger sister very sad. (die) 11.It is a good habit to brush your teeth at least a day. (two) 12.Sam got fewer (point) in the drawing test but he didn’t lose heart. 13.As the boy pushed his younger sister, she (swing) higher and higher. 14.Daniel, you should eat (little) and exercise more. 15.She (usual) gets up at five o’clock. 16.It is necessary for us (help) our friends out when they meet with difficulties. 17.I think the best way (relax) is reading magazines. 18.The little girl brushes her teeth three (time) a day. 19.We need to eat more vegetables to have healthy (body). 20.It is raining so hard. I can (hard) see the road. 21. (usual), my father goes to work by bus. 22.He finally fell asleep when the wind was (die) down at around 3: 00 a.m.. 23.I often do some math quizzes to exercise my (mind). 24.Woe! The restaurant is of so many customers. We have to wait! (fill) 25.There’re two (television) at Lily’s home. One is in the living room and the other is in her room. 26.Julie and Brian got good test (result). Their parents were very happy. 27.I often drink (coffee)at night. 28.He stopped (work) and had a rest. 29.Would you mind (write) down your name on the paper 30.The cat (die) an hour ago. 二、根据汉语提示完成单词(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 31.Exercising is good for both the mind and the (身体). 32.It’s good for my (头脑) to do some reading. 33.Can you tell me the (结果) of the final exam 34.It’s (差不多) five kilometers from here to school. 35.My family is (充满的) of family love. 36.Reading English (杂志) is good for you to study English. 37.Our teachers (总是) give us lots of help. 38.Nothing (从来) happens (发生) here. 39.Ann (几乎不) watches soap operas in her free time. 40.Some students use the (因特网) to learn English. 41.Most men don’t like to do any (家务事). 42.—Do you want to play on the (秋千) in the park —Yes, I do. 43.What’s your favorite (节目) 44.There’s no way we can get to the airport in an hour. (少于) 45.Mrs. Yang enjoys shopping (在线) at home on weekends. 46.They walked (穿过) the forest and arrived at the small house yesterday. 47.I want to be a (牙科医生) when I grow up. 48.I want to be a (作家) when I grow up. 49.I like watching movies and I go to the movies (一次) a week. ... ...

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