
外研版(2024)七年级上册Unit 2 More than fun Developing ideas 教学设计

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:76次 大小:21995Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 More than fun Developing ideas 教学设计 I.Text Analysis What: Emma’s Adventure revolves around the theme of creativity, friendship, and the power of storytelling. The content follows Emma, a new student feeling lonely, who uses her love for writing magic stories to connect with others. By leaving her notebook in the library with an invitation to continue her story, she sparks a collaborative writing effort that leads to the formation of a writing group. Why: The author's intent is to demonstrate how shared interests, particularly in creative writing, can bridge social gaps and foster new friendships. The story encourages students to be proactive in reaching out to others and to value the process of collaborative creation. How: The text is structured with a clear beginning, middle, and end, following Emma's journey from isolation to connection. It uses direct speech and descriptive language to engage the reader and create vivid imagery. The narrative employs the motif of a magical door and the metaphor of writing as a gateway to friendship and community. The language is accessible, with a mix of simple and complex sentences that reflect the thoughts and actions of the protagonist. II. Teaching objectives By the end of the class, students will be able to: Analyze the article to understand Emma’s feelings through some action words and then comprehend what is Emma’s Adventure. Understand the concept of story mountains in the context of narrative reading. Compose a concise paragraph detailing the experiences of making friends through sharing a hobby. Recognize the significance and benefits of having hobbies. III.Teaching Key Point and Difficult Point Key Point: Students can understand the main content and structure of the passage. Difficult Point: Students can recognize the benefits of having hobbies and complete writing tasks based on personal experience. IV.Teaching Preparation 1) Learning Materials: textbooks 2) Visual Aids: slides that will help support the lesson content V.Teaching procedures Stage 1: Pre Reading Step 1: Lead-in to the Topic 1.Start the class by engaging students with an icebreaker question about their hobbies. Ask them to share their hobbies and what did they get from their hobbies. 2.Show students a video about the significance and benefits of having hobbies, helping them gain a deeper understanding of hobbies to facilitate their subsequent reading and answering questions. 3.Show students a picture of children writing. Encourage them to describe what hobby the picture shows and discuss what benefits they can get from this hobby, using provided words like "writing", "share", "joy", "friend", "idea", and "story" to assist them. Step 2: Prediction Use the images and title on the PPT to lead students in predicting the content of the passage. Students should ask questions beginning with Who, Where, What Why or How For example, who are the girl in the pictures, what is she doing, etc. Stage 2: While Reading Step 1: Skimming ... ...

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