
人教版(2024)七年级上册Unit 5 Fun Clubs 训练课件(5份打包)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:84次 大小:2024580Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 5 Fun Clubs Section B What can you learn in a school club? 根据每个人的需求提示,为其选择一个合适的社团。 A. the English club  B. the ping- pong club   C. the basketball club D. the cooking club E. the Chinese chess club (  )1. Lingling likes English. She wants to speak English every day. (  )2. Kate loves Chinese food. She wants to cook nice food for her and her parents. A D (  )3. Tony's Chinese friends are good at playing ping- pong. Tony wants to learn to play it. (  )4. Bob is a fan(迷) of basketball. He wants to be a basketball player in the future. (  )5. Joe likes Chinese chess very much, but he can't play it well. He wants to learn it. Reflecting:I can choose the right school clubs for them. Very well □ OK □ Needs work □ B C E 请预习下列重点单词、短语和句型,并完成下面的表格和相关练习(标 的为重点单词拓展内容)。 重点 单词 名词 自然界; 大自然 _____   (短语) 自然公园 _____ 2. 牛肉 _____ 3. 头脑; 心思 _____ 4. 昆虫 _____ 5. 野生动物; 野生生物 _____ nature nature park beef mind insect wildlife 重点 单词 动词 6. 收集; 采集 _____   7. 发现; 发觉 _____ 形容词 8. 感兴趣的 _____ (adj.) 有趣的 _____   (n.) 兴趣 _____ 副词 9. 不久; 很快 _____ 兼词 10. (v.)扮演;行动 (n.)(戏剧等)一幕;行动 _____ (n.)男演员 _____   (n.)女演员 _____ 11. (prep.& conj.)(用以引出比较的第二部分)比 _____ 12. (v. & n.)进入; 掉落; 跌倒 (n.) (美式)秋天 _____ collect discover interested interesting interest soon act actor actress than fall 重点 短语 1. 表演 _____   2. 在家里 _____ 3. 对……感兴趣 _____ 4. 多于 _____ 5. 开阔某人的思路(思想) _____ 6. 爱上…… _____ 7. 拍照 _____   8. 收集植物和昆虫 _____ act out at home interested in more than open one's mind fall in love with take photos/take a photo collect plants and insects 重点 句型 1. I'm _____ ____ nature. I love hiking, and I can _____ _____. 我对大自然很感兴趣。我喜欢徒步旅行,而且我能看地图。 2. It's _____ _____ reading. 它不只是阅读。 3. We _____ _____ stories, _____ _____ books, and _____ _____ _____. 我们表演故事,谈论书籍,并结交新朋友。 4. _____ ____ the library on Tuesdays after school and _____ ____ _____ _____ books! 每周二放学后来图书馆并爱上图书! 5. Can you _____ _____ _____? 你能拍好照片吗? 6. What can you _____ _____ a book club 你能从图书社团中学到什么? interested in read maps more than act out talk about make new friends Come to fall in love with take good photos learn from 小试牛刀 根据语境及提示完成句子。 1. The bird is good at catching(抓) the _____(insect). 2. It takes time and patience(耐心) to take photos of _____['wa ldla f]. 3. The police c_____ a lot of information about the old man. 4. Penny is very _____(interest) in history and she enjoys learning about the past. 5. Don't worry. Mary will be back _____(很快). 6. She _____(discover) a hole(洞) on the wall. insects wildlife ollect interested soon discovers/discovered 略读 请阅读课文1b的内容,回答下列问题。 1. What can we learn in the ... ...

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