
人教版(2024)英语七年级上册 Unit 4 My Favourite Subject 训练提升课件(共4份打包)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:506937Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 4 My Favourite Subject Section B What can you learn from different subjects 一、从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空 French science term excellent instrument life 1. Guzheng is one of Chinese  instruments . 2. Kevin wants to be a(n)  scientist  when he grows up. 3. Jane goes to a new school this  term . 4. Mary can speak English, and she can also speak  French . 5. The old man lives a hard  life . We should help him. 6. I like music, because my music teacher is  excellent . instruments  scientist  term  French  life  excellent  二、单项填空 ( C )1. What a clever boy! He _____ such a difficult maths problem. A. comes out B. gets out C. works out D. looks out ( D )2. —_____ do you feel about geography —It's useful. A. Why B. Where C. What D. How C D ( A )3. —What do you do when you have a _____, Jim —I often ask my parents or teachers for help. A. problem B. hobby C. rest D. reason ( A )4. —_____ subjects do you have on Wednesday —Chinese, maths and music. A. What B. Why C. How D. Where A A ( B )5. Anna likes singing songs, so she wants to be a _____. A. scientist B. singer C. doctor D. teacher B 三、完成句子,每空一词 1. 你能从历史中学到什么? What can you  learn   from  history 2. 杰克将来想当一名医生。 Jack wants to be a doctor  in   the   future . 3. 我们在课堂上应该认真听老师讲课。 We should listen to our teachers carefully  in   class . learn  from  in  the  future  in  class  四、阅读理解 B Wendy is good at English and Chinese, but her maths isn't good. She doesn't think it's useful. One day, the clothes at Wendy's mum's store are on sale, so there are many people. Her mum wants to teach her a lesson, so she asks Wendy to help out at the clothes store. When a woman comes in, Wendy walks to her. The woman says she wants to buy a sweater. After some time, she says, “I'll take this yellow one. What's the price of it?” Wendy says, “It is 800 yuan, but it's on sale. You can take it at half price. Uh, you need to pay(支付) 400 yuan.” “I see. This is my VIP card. I can get a 20% discount(折扣), right?” “Oh, yes,” Wendy says. “Then, you just need to pay 80 yuan.” The woman looks at Wendy in surprise,asking, “Are you sure?” Then, Mrs Black, Wendy's mum, comes and says to the woman, “I'm sorry. You need to pay 320 yuan, please.” Then, she looks at her daughter and asks, “Now, do you think maths is useful?” ( B )1. Why does Wendy stay at the store A. Because she needs money. B. Because her mum asks her to help. C. Because she likes selling clothes. D. Because she wants to learn maths. ( B )2. What colour sweater does the woman want A. White. B. Yellow. C. Black. D. Purple. B B ( D )3. What does the underlined phrase “in surprise” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese A. 自信地 B. 幽默地 C. 兴奋地 D. 惊讶地 ( C )4. The woman needs to pay _____ for the sweater. A. 800 yuan B. 400 yuan C. 320 yuan D ... ...

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