
Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake 同步练习 (5课时,含答案)人教版八年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:42次 大小:416842Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教新目标版八年级上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A(1a-1c) 同步测试题 一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子。 1.When we meet for the first time,we should_____(摇动)hands. 2.Yesterday my mother bought a new_____(搅拌器). 3.Would you like to_____(剥)me an orange 4.My sister helped me_____(倾倒)the water into the cup. 5.Now you can_____(喝)the banana milk shake. 二、单项选择。 6.—I need some help.Can you_____the bananas for fruit salad —Yes,Mom.But where is the knife A.mix up B.pour C.cut up D.cut down 7.It's time for CCTV news.Let's_____the TV and watch it. A.turn on B.get on C.try on D.put on 8.The children ran_____the classroom at once. A.on B.into C.in D.of 9.Please_____the bananas and icecream into the blender. A.pour B.peel C.pull D.pick 10.—_____do you make a banana milk shake —Peel the bananas first and blend it with milk. A.What B.When C.How D.Where 三、选词填空,然后将下列句子按正确的顺序排列。 cut up,turn on,pour,into,peel,put,drink How do you make an apple milk shake 11._____ the blender. 12._____ the apples. 13._____ the apple milk shake. 14._____ the milk into the blender. 15._____ the apples and yogurt in the blender. 16._____ three apples. 17.Pour the milk shake _____ a cup. 18.正确顺序为:_____ 四、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 19.剥三根香蕉。 _____three_____. 20.把它们切碎。 _____ ____ _____. 21.你怎样做香蕉奶昔? _____do you_____a banana milk shake 22.将奶昔倒进一个玻璃杯里。 _____the milk shake_____a glass. 23.房间里太暗了,请打开灯。 It's very dark in the room.Please _____ _____ the light. 五、从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。 A:Hi,John.24._____ B:Next Tuesday. A:Let's think about what to make for his birthday dinner. B:25._____ A:What about making gongbao chicken for him B:On,no!26._____ A:But I like it. B:It's Timmy's birthday,not yours. A:Yes,you're right.He likes fruit salad.Let's make fruit salad. B:OK.27._____ A:Let me think.Hmm,we need three apples. B:28._____ A:Ah,sorry,I don't know.Let me go home and ask my mom. A.Timmy doesn't like it. B.That sounds like a good idea. C.When is Timmy's birthday D.How many apples do we need E.And how much milk do we need 答案: 一、1. shake 2. blender 3. peel 4. pour 5. drink 二、6--10 CABAC 三、11. Turn on 12. Cut up 13. Drink 14. Pour 15. Put 16. Peel 17. into 18. 16-12-15-14-11-17-13 四、19. Peel bananas 20. Cut them up 21. How make 22. Pour into 23. turn into 五、24--28 CBADE 人教新目标版八年级上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A(2a-2d) 同步测试题 一、从方框内选词并用其适当形式填空。 (watermelon,spoon,pour,finally,salt) 1.Please tell me how you got to that small village . 2.For fruit,I only like bananas and . 3.How much do you need,Maria? 4.Give me three of honey,Dad. 5.Just now Henry some milk into the blender. 二、根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词。 6.People like eating w in summer. 7.I don't like my brother's dishes because he often puts too ... ...

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