
外研版(2024) Module 1 How to learn English 同步练(无答案) 2024-2025学年外研版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:87次 大小:2560760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 1 How to learn English Ⅰ、重点词汇 explain, mention, refuse, whether, lonely, introduce, silence, include, suggestion, pass Ⅱ、重点句型 1、How about listening to the radio 2、What about listening to the radio 3、Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks 4、Why don’t you write down our mistakes in our notebooks Ⅲ、语法通关 能够熟练运用课内重点单词和固定表达。 初步掌握一般现在时的用法。 Ⅳ、学习策略 掌握重要的语法点、单词、词组 熟读乃至背诵Unit1、2、3中的课文 请在每个单词下方标记划线字母的音标&单词中文。 课前预习(黑笔),课上纠正(红笔),旁白区(蓝笔) 单词 correct mistake forget 音标 中文 单词 understand practice advice 音标 中文 单词 improve aloud suggest 音标 中文 单词 agree 音标 中文 Part One:连词成句 Topic writing S1: write, not, the, our, why, mistakes, notebooks, down, in ( ) 连词成句: 为什么不在我们的笔记本写下错题呢? S2: the, to, about, listening, radio, how ( ) 连词成句: 听广播怎么样? S3: also, writing, is, think, important, I(.) 连词成句: 我认为写作也很重要。 S4: every, need, you, word, don’t, understand, to(.) 连词成句: 你们不需要理解每个单词。 Part Two:重点语法、句式精讲&练习 Point 1:Practise  Round 1:请根据下面2个句子判断两个词汇的意思以及词性 I' going to practise playing my piano now. ①词性:_____ → 意思:_____ 搭配:practise + _____ :_____(意思) Did you have enough practice ②词性:_____ → 意思:_____ Round 2:归纳后面跟动词ing形式的动词 享受做某事 介意做某事 结束做某事 喜欢做某事 讨厌做某事 一直做某事 Point 2:advice VS advise  Round 1:请根据下面2个句子判断两个词汇的意思以及词性 My classmate give me some advice . ①词性:_____ → 意思:_____ He advises me to buy a computer. ②词性:_____ → 意思:_____ advise + _____ :_____(意思) Round 2:归纳后面跟动词不定式形式的动词 想做某事 决定去做某事 同意去做某事 邀请某人做某事 学习去做某事 计划做某事 Point 3:表建议的句式 Round 1:从例句中总结表建议的句式 句型结构 表建议句式 含义 Why not join an English club Why don't we write to our friends? How / What about watching English movies Let’s go swimming this afternoon. It’s a good idea to keep a pet. Would you like to go out for a walk You should get up earlier. We’d better speak more English. Module 1 How to learn English 单元卷 一、单项选择 1Please give me some _____on how to learn English well. A.plan B.message C.advice D.suggestion 2.)—What is your plan for next weekend, Lingling —I volunteer work in the museum. A.was doing B.did C.have done D.am going to do 3.—How can I improve my Chinese — _____ read some interesting stories every night A.Why don’t B.Why not you C.Why not reading D.Why don’t you 4.Our teacher often advises us ____ the habit of making notes while reading. A.to develop B.develop C.to developing D.developing 5.—Christmas Day is coming. Why not _____Christmas cards _____your teachers —Good idea. A.put; to B.give; to C.show; on D.send; to 6.Wang Wei speaks English as_____as Yang Lan. They both study English hard. A.good B.well C.bette ... ...

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