
外研版(2024)英语七年级上册 Unit 2 More than fun Starting out 同步练习题(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:88次 大小:13314Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 Starting out 同步练习 基础强化 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示填写单词。 1. Tony is_____ (检查)his emails now. 2. Which word has the_____ (声音)of / /? 3. Friends should_____ (理解)and help each other (互相). 4. Sam likes music and he is in the school music_____ (乐队). 5. John often_____ (描述)his city for me, and I want to visit it one day. 6. When he is playing the violin,a good idea_____ (使……突然意识到)him. 二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The plane can get to Beijing_____ (direct). 2. His quick_____ (act) saved(拯救)the girl’s life. 3. It feels great_____ (have) a good friend like you. 4. Everybody_____ (like) him because he is helpful to others. 5. _____ (sudden), my computer goes wrong. What should I do? 6. She likes to write stories and reads them with_____ (feel) in her free time. 三、根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 我的爱好是弹吉他。 My hobby is_____ _____ _____. 2. 我们需要开动其中的一台机器。 We need to_____ _____ one of the machines. 3. 约翰此刻正在打篮球。 John is playing basketball_____ _____ _____. 4. 史密斯先生不介意别人怎么想他。 Mr. Smith doesn’t mind what other people_____ _____ him. 5. 我们必须参加室内和室外活动。 We must_____ _____ _____ indoor and outdoor activities. 6. 他冲进他父母的卧室看小宝宝。 He_____ _____ his parents’ bedroom and has a look at the young baby. 能力训练 四、选择填空 1. When he is playing the violin, suddenly an idea_____him. A. comes B. jumps C. rushes D. hits 2. As a sports_____, my brother started a sports club in the school. A. singer B. dancer C. writer D. lover 3. We had so_____fun at Li Ming’s birthday party. A. many B. much C. a little D. few 4. One minute on_____, ten years of work for it. A. stage B. classroom C. library D. art 5. He_____his parents’ bedroom and has a look at the young baby. A. rushes into B. rushed into C. rushes up to D. rushed up to 五、用方框内所给词语的适当形式填空 be feel like direct sudden 1. There _____ many trees in our school. 2. They like singing to show their_____. 3. _____, two young men come out of that room. 4. Life is a dictionary. We should learn_____from it. 5. Everybody_____him because he is helpful to others. 素养提升 六、完形填空 Peter’s school basketball game is next month. Peter wants to be a__1__star. Peter’s father,Mr. Smith__2__. Peter’s room and asks him to have dinner,__3__Peter doesn’t want to. So they have a talk. Peter: I play basketball with my classmates after school every day, but I can’t play it__4__. So I think I need to give it up(放弃). Mr. Smith: Well,when you can’t do it well,I can__5__you. But if you give up,I don’t know what to do. Tell me,do you really__6__to do so? Peter: No. I like basketball,but it’s just too difficult for __7__. Mr. Smith: Do you need a__8__?You know, I’m good at basketball. Peter: Yes. But Dad,you are__9__,aren’t you? Mr. Smith: Yes,I don’t have time. But basketball is a(n) __10__sport. I need to relax,too. Now,let’s go to have dinner. After that,we can ... ...

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