
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?单元检测卷(含答案)人教版八年级上册英语

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:58次 大小:557902Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 八年级上册英语Unit2单元检测卷 时间:100分钟 满分:100分 I.语法与情景对话(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) ( )1.-What do you often do on weekends -I often go online. A.the;/ B./;/ C./;the D.the;the ( )2.-What do you like to do on Friday night -I like watching TV. National Treasure is my favorite . A.food B.sport C.program D.subject ( )3. Some schools usually hold activities camping trips or free movies on Children's Day to bring fun and joy to students. A. next to B. as well as C. such as D. because of ( )4.- do the students surf(冲浪) the Internet -Twice every week. A. How often B. How long C. How many times D. How much ( ) 5. my English teacher was very busy, she still helped me with my study. A.Since B.Although C.Because D. Until ( )6. My friendwatches talk shows because they're boring for her. A. hardly ever B.often C.sometimes D.always ( )7.-Could you go to a movie with me this Saturday -Sorry, that day is for me. I have much housework to do. A.meaningless B.full C.relaxing D.available ( )8.-What's your answer the question -I have no idea. It's too hard for me to answer a question life science. A.to; of B. of; to C. to;about D. about; to ( )9.— is your favorite activity in your free time -I like playing basketball best. A. Which B.Why C. What D.How ( )10. After the earthquake, people across China helped the disaster area get the difficult time. A.up B. off C. on D.through ( )11. I think I'm going to next Sunday. A. be free B. have free C. free D. be have free ( )12. -I'd like a ticket to The Sound of Music. -Sorry, there is left. A.some B. none C.one D. many ( )13. Water the plant every day, or it will soon without water. A.grow B.die C. wait D.relax ( )14.-Is my friend Tina in the dining hall -She be, but I'm not sure. A.will B. need C.must D.may ( )15.-Students at the age of 12 need to sleep 8 hours a day. -Yes, I agree. Enough sleep will make them. At least, they will keep awake in my class. A. no more than; no difference to B. no less than; a difference to C. at least; no difference on D. at most; any difference in ( )16.-When will you travel to Xiamen -It's hard to say. I'll go there during the holiday. A. Certainly B. Maybe C.Even D. May be ( )17.-Do you mind if I record your lecture - .Go ahead. A. Thank you B. No way D. No, you'd better not C. Not at all ( )18.-Did Mark tell you what happened to him last night -No. He was on the of saying something when the phone rang. A.time B.end C.order D. point ( )19.- -We always go to the cinema. A. What did you do on weekends B. What do you usually do on weekends C. Why do you often go to the cinema on weekends D. How often do you go to the cinema on weekends ( )20. -My teeth hurt. -Emm...you should . A. go to the dentist B. stop eating C. exercise more D. go to bed early Ⅱ.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) How often should we exercise Five days a week Four days a week Is two days a week 21 Luckily, the answer 22 the question is not difficult to find. We ... ...

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