
Unit6 When was it invented巩固练习(含答案)人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:61次 大小:16747Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级Unit 6 When was it invented 巩固练习 一、 根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子。 According to many Chinese scientists, she is the _____(先锋) in this field. There are different _____(款式)of skirts in this store. My mother usually makes a shopping _____(清单) for me every time I go shopping. You can log on the _____(网站) to search for some information about it. You can't _____(提到) anything about this accident in your letter. Lucy, _____(有人) is waiting for you at the school gate. When the terrible _____(地震) happened, so many people lost their lives. The Russian soup s_____ very nice. I can't wait to drink it. Don't forget to l_____ the door when you leave. The price of the coat is very l_____. Why not buy it I want to buy a bicycle,but I don't have e_____ money. I don't like lemons because they're too s_____. Lucy and Lily are twins. People often m_____ them for each other. The restaurant offers good service to all its _____(顾客). There are some vegetables, fruit and eggs in the _____(篮子). My parents encourage me to work hard to a_____ my dreams. If you find it hard to t_____ this article into Chinese, you may turn to a dictionary for help. It's said that n_____ all the girls are afraid of snakes. I have to prepare food for seven people i_____ me. 二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。 The shoes with special _____(heel) look really nice. How much are they Zippers are widely used in our _____(day) life. Knives are used for _____(cut) things. These _____(invent) are very important in our everyday lives. Working in the garden gives us much _____(pleasant). There is a cup of _____(boil) water on the table. Tea, the most popular drink is an _____(accident) invention. The _____(nation) park lies in the mountain. Alice's mother found her daughter had a _____(music) talent. He made a _____(suddenly) decision to go to Beijing. If you put too much salt in the dishes, they will be _____(salt). I think this restaurant serves all the _____(customer) well. The delicious food was _____(cook) by my mother at the party. It's _____(real) important for you to watch more English movies. Many things _____(invent) years ago are still used today. The singer is gaining in _____(popular). Many young people look up to the basketball _____(hero) and want to become like them. David plays the flute(长笛) like a _____(profession) player. The students _____(divide) into two groups to visit the old people's home last Sunday. That tall woman is one of the most famous _____(Canada) players. 三、 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 上周,那则新闻提到了一款带灯的鞋。 The piece of news _____ a kind of shoes _____ lights last week. 看来你说的确实有点道理。 You _____ seem _____ _____ _____ _____. 1917年左右,拉链变得流行。 Zippers _____ _____ around 1917. 你认为最有用的发明是什么? What do you think is the _____ _____ _____? 这杯子是用来喝果汁的。 The cup _____ _____ _____ _____ juice. 据说她的粉丝最多。 _____ _____ _____ that she has the most fans. 当这只狗张开它的嘴时,骨头掉进了 ... ...

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