
Unit 9 Can you come to my party单元基础知识清单(背诵版+检测版)人教版八年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:11次 大小:18096Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 Can you come to my party 课本基础知识(背诵版) P65 Section A 1a-1c 周六下午on Saturday afternoon 你呢?How/What about you 准备考试prepare for an exam 去看医生go to the doctor 患流感have the flu 感冒have a cold 发烧have a fever 咳嗽have a cough P66 Section A 2a-2c 参加聚会go to the party 太多作业too much homework 没空be not available=be not free 感谢邀请Thanks for asking. P66 Section A 2d 在周六on Saturday 去骑自行车go bike riding 上个秋天last fall/autumn 是的That’s right. 不用谢,没关系That’s all right. 愿意做某事would like to do sth 准备prepare for Sam isn’t leaving until next Wesnesday. not…until 直到……才…… 短暂性动词用进行时表将来:leave, come, go, stay, arrive, fly等 和某人闲逛hang out with sb. (hang绞死—hanged; hang悬挂—hung) 周一见 Catch you on Monday! P67 Grammar Focus 情态动词can 表能力:能够=be able to 表请求/允许:可以 表推测:常用于否定句can’t(不可能) 表邀请:可以Can you come to my party 肯定回答:Sure, I’d love to./ Sure. That sounds great. 否定回答:Sorry, I must…/ I’m afraid not. I…/I’m afraid I can’t. Sorry, I’m not available./ I’d love to come, but I… 备考数学study for a math test 邀请invite—(n.) invitation 邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sth 邀请某人去某地invite sb to sp 拒绝做某事refuse to do 想要做某事/愿意做某事would like to do sth P68 Section B 1a-1f 前天the day before yesterday 后天the day after tomorrow 问几号星期几What’s today 问几号What’s the date 问星期几What day is it today 照顾look after =take care of =care for 寻找look for 浏览look through 盼望look forward to (doing) P69-70 2b-2e课文 发出邀请make an invitation 接受邀请accept an invitation 拒绝邀请refuse/turn down an invitation 非常喜欢like…a lot/very much 做某事很难过be sad to do sth 做某事最好的方法the best way to do sth 把……带到……bring…to… 关于……有一个很棒的主意have a great idea about… 去某地旅行take a trip to… 在……结尾at the end of 在……开始时at the beginning of 到……为止by the end of 最后;终于in the end of 高兴做某事be glad to do sth 帮忙help out with 到现在为止by now 回到go back to 让我们做某事let’s do sth 为某人举办一个惊喜派对have a surprise party for sb 这周五之前by this Friday 以便于;为了so that=in order that 如此......以至于 so...that... 期待做某事look forward to doing sth 收到......的答复;收到某人的信hear from 乔迁派对a housewarming party 伦敦街2号at London Road 哪种食物What kind of food 哪种饮料What kind of drinks P71-72 想要做某事would like to do sth 落成典礼the opening of... 在周三早上on the morning of Wednesday =on Wednesday morning 回复reply to... 用书面形式in writing 我不确定I’m not sure Unit 9 Can you come to my party 课本基础知识(检测版) P65 Section A 1a-1c 周六下午 你呢? 准备考试 去看医生 患流感 感冒 发烧 咳嗽 P66 Section A 2a-2c 参加聚会 太多作业 没空 感谢邀请 P66 Section A 2d 在周六 去骑自行车 上个秋天 是的 不用谢,没关系 愿意做某事 准备 Sam isn’t leaving until next Wesnesday.Sam下周三才会离开。 直到……才…… 短暂性动词用 表将来:leave, come, go, stay, arrive, fly等 和某人闲逛 (hang绞死— ; h ... ...

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