
Unit 2 More than fun Starting Out课件-新外研版(2024)英语七年级上册

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:14次 大小:16170099Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 More than fun Starting Out 授课教师:xxx 授课时间:xxx 01 Use words and expressions in the unit to talk about hobbies. 02 03 Learning aims Use there be to describe your hobby and the fun moments. Explain the benefits of hobbies. What are they doing playing badminton playing football playing tennis riding How are they feeling happpy excited cheerful enjoyable hobby Who are they What do you know about them Lao She Albert Einstein Madam Curie What do you know about him Lao She(1899—1966) Job:a prominent Chinese writer Famous works: Rickshaw Boy《骆驼祥子》 Teahouse 《茶馆》 Four Generations Under One Roof《四世同堂》 Hobbies:Besides writing, Lao She has many personal hobbies full of interest. When he was young, he loved boxing, singing opera, raising flowers, and performing cross-talk. What do you know about him Albert Einstein(1879—1955) Job:a physicist Achievement: Einstein was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Hobbies:Einstein was very fond of music, especially the violin. He started learning violin at the age of 6 and quickly mastered Beethoven and Mozart's sonatas. What do you know about him Madam Curie(1879—1955) Job:a physicist Achievement: The world's first person to win two Nobel Prizes Hobbies:In addition to scientific research, Madame Curie also enjoyed reading literary classics and was interested in outdoor activities such as traveling, swimming, and cycling. Match these people to their hobbies. Lao She Albert Einstein Madam Curie planting flowers riding a bike playing the violin What is your hobby My hobby is drawing/painting. Look and say What is your hobby My hobby is dancing. Look and say What is your hobby My hobby is phtography. Look and say What is your hobby My hobby is playing the guitar. Look and say What do you think of them I think they are... Look and say enjoyable 令人愉悦的 relaxing 令人放松的 interesting 有趣的 exciting 令人兴奋的 chanllenging 有挑战性的 What can good hobbies bring us A good hobby can . Disscuss relax ourselves develop interests help us learn new skills show us something new make us more creative bring us pleasure and success Develop your hobby and enrich your life! 培养爱好,丰富生活吧! The after school clubs are recruiting(招聘) new members! Join us and have fun! Which club do you want to join Why do you want to join this club Pari work Which club do you want to join I want to join... Why do you want to join... Because I think... Pari work A:Which club do you want to join B:I want to join... A:Why do you want to join this club B:Becasue I think... You can use the words and expressions we have learnt just now. Homework Write a short paragraph about your hobby. Preview understanding ideas. Thank you!

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