
Unit 2 More than fun 基础达标--2024-2025学年七年级英语上学期单元训练(外研版(2024))(含答案)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:58次 大小:289611Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 More than fun 基础达标--2024-2025学年七年级英语上学期单元训练(外研版(2024))(含答案) 一、单词拼写 1.David’s father doesn’t want him to spend much time on those (在线的) games. 2.It’s 10:30 p. m. The baby doesn’t go to sleep. He is still (wake). 3.I felt nervous when I stood on that (舞台). I told myself to calm down. 4.I couldn’t find my notebook. It (appear). Maybe someone took it away. 5.The Spring Festival is a (tradition) festival in Chinese history. 6.The boy stood by his father (nervous) because he made a mistake. 7.Amy has some different (hobby). One of them is swimming. 8.The man in front of me (突然) turned around and looked at me. 9.When you go to the forest, you will be surprised at the beauty of the (大自然). 10.I’m good at singing and I want to be on our school (乐队). 11.Collecting stamps is my only (爱好). It brings me too much fun. 12.Last Friday the English club (hold) a speech competition. 13.Now we have more chances to learn more about different cultures with (society) media. 14.There are some (野生的) animals living in the forest. 15.I have two big (shelf) in my study. 16.My parents and I stayed at home and (nervous) waited. 17.Please pay attention to (注意) the c pronunciation of each word when reading English. 18.Finally they (understand) the meaning of life after the accident last year. 19.As the old saying goes, “P makes perfect.” 20.My parents c my homework every night. 二、单项选择 21.Lucy’s eyes are big and blue. Lily’s eyes are small and brown. Their eyes are _____. A.big B.same C.new D.different 22.—_____ may have different ideas about the same thing. —You are right. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes. A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Anybody D.Everybody 23.You need a _____ to write down the key points in class. A.map B.watch C.notebook D.picture 24.—Why do you _____ your head —Because I can’t agree (赞同) on some of your ideas. A.nod B.shake C.turn D.hold 25.—Why Kunming is famous _____ the City of Spring —Because the weather is warm all year round. A.as B.for C.with D.at 26.—Why don’t you go fishing with us this afternoon —_____. It is sunny today and we can have a good time. A.Good job B.You’re welcome C.Good idea D.That’s too bad 27.Alice feels _____ in her new school, so she decides to join some clubs to make new friends. A.lucky B.excited C.interested D.lonely 28.We waited an hour for the bus, but it didn’t _____. A.ring B.appear C.stop D.grow 29.—Everyone should have a _____. It can make our life colourful. —You are right. We should find something to do in our free time. A.fact B.mistake C.hobby D.stage 30.At the age of six, Jack read an article about music. _____, he fell in love with music. A.In a hurry B.From then on C.From now on D.As usual 31.There _____ three rooms in Tom’s house _____ a big beautiful garden. A.is; have B.are; has C.are; with D.is; with ... ...

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