
Unit 2 More than fun Developing ideas公开课课件 新教材外研版七上

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:73次 大小:78095508Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) More than fun Developing ideas Listening and speaking Unit 2 Lead in:Which hobbies do you like What hobbies does the girl like The girl likes fishing ,swiming ,flying kite,playing the piano ,singing ,paiting pictures ,playing games ,drawing ,running , reading ,dancing . What hobbies do you like What hobby does this picture show What hobby does Hu Nianzu like Where is the girl What is the girl doing She is outdoors. She is watching the birds. Hu Nianzu What is the girl doing School News Time to listen Listen to the school news report and choose the best title. a There’s a new kind of bird at school b A student helped a bird at school c Students watched birds in the teaching building What hobby does Hu Nianzu like Bird-wathing. Hu Nianzu School News what else can we get from Bird-watching What can you see in the picture There are four students and a bird in a classroom. They look worried. How do the students feel Pictures can help us get the main idea. (图片可以帮助我们 了解大意) Tip: What can you see in the picture There is a boy watching the bird carefully. The boy held up the bird to the window. Pictures can help us get the main idea. (图片可以帮助我们 了解大意) Tip: What can you see in the picture The bird flew away. They look happy. How do the students feel Pictures can help us get the main idea. (图片可以帮助我们 了解大意) Tip: Why do the students become happy now Listen again and complete the timeline. A black bird flew into the teaching building. It fell on the ground, and could not 1 1 again. Many students tried to help but they just 2 1do anything. Hu Nianzu the 3 1bird carefully.Then he held up the bird to the 4 .1 The bird 5 _1off his hands and flew away! couldn’t take off looked at window jumped If you are the interviewer, what questions do you want to ask Hu Nianzu. Check: What questions did the interviewer ask Question 1: Why couldn’t the bird fly Question 2: How does Hu Nianzu’s hobby bring him knowledge Question 1 Question 2 Why couldn’t the brid fly Hu Nianzu’s answer: These kinds of birds have got weak . They need to take off from a place. How does Hu Nianzu’s hobby bring him knowledge Hu Nianzu’s answer: Dad took me to the to watch birds every summer holiday. I also read books about birds. This helped me find birds. I made a poster for the school’s nature just week. Listen to the interview and complete the interviewer’s notes. Question 1 Why couldn't the bird fly Hu Nianzu's answer: These kinds of birds have got weak 1 . They need to take off from a 2 1 place. Question 2 How does Hu Nianzu's hobby bring him knowledge Hu Nianzu's answer: Dad took me to the 3 1 to watch birds every summer holiday. I also read books about birds. This helped me find 4 1 birds. l made a poster for the school's nature 5. just last week. legs high different forest club Listen again. Find out what knowledge Wu has and why does he loves bird-birdwatching. A :Why did Wu Nianzu get ... ...

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