
外研版(2024)七年级上册Unit 2 More than fun 训练提升课件(4份打包)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:27次 大小:1158550Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 More than fun Lesson 3 Developing ideas (Listening and speaking) 请预习下列重点单词、 短语和句型, 并完成下面的表格和相关练习(标 的为重点单词拓展内容; 单词加粗部分为词缀)。 重点 单词 名词 1. 知识; 学问; 认识  knowledge      (n.) 知道; 认识; 了解  know  2. 大自然, 自然界  nature  (adj.) 自然的; 天然的natural 形容词 3. 野生的  wild  knowledge know nature wild 重点 短语 1. 以……为例  take ... for example  2. 在自然界  in nature  3. 开始了解  get to know  4. 越来越多的  more and more  5. 飞进  fly into  6. 落在……上  fall on  7. 飞走  fly away  8. 在开始  at the beginning  9. 起飞  take off  10. 结果  as a result  take ... for example in nature get to know more and more fly into fall on fly away at the beginning take off as a result 重点 句型 1. Take bird-watching  for   example . 以观鸟为例。 2. Today, there are  more   and   more  bird-watchers. 今天, 有越来越多的观鸟爱好者。 3. Many students  tried   to  help but ... 很多学生尽力帮忙, 但是…… 4. What knowledge can we  get   from  reading 我们能从阅读中获得什么知识? for example more and more tried to get from 学以致用 根据语境及提示填空, 每空一词。 1. We want to know more about wild  animals. 2. Mary is interested in all the things in  nature (自然界). 3. I have a little knowledge  of French. 4. English is difficult to learn  at   the   beginning (在开始). 5. Emma let the birds  fly   away (飞走). ild nature nowledge at the beginning fly away 一、 听选信息(Act. 1) 听短文, 短文播放两遍。 请根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示, 选择正确的信息口头回答问题。 1. Where did the brown bird fall (It fell on the desk. / It fell on the window. / It fell on the ground.) It fell on the ground. It fell on the ground. 2. What class is Hu Nianzu from (He is from Class 2. / He is from Class 4. / He is from Class 7.) He is from Class 2. He is from Class 2. 二、 回答问题(Act. 3) 听下面一段对话, 对话播放两遍。 请根据所听内容, 口头回答问题。 1. Where do swifts(雨燕) need to take off from? They/Swifts need to take off from a high place. / A high place. 2. What's Hu Nianzu's hobby? His/Hu Nianzu's hobby is bird-watching./ Bird-watching. They/Swifts need to take off from a high place. / A high place. His/Hu Nianzu's hobby is bird-watching./ Bird-watching. 3. Who took Hu Nianzu to watch birds every summer holiday? His/Hu Nianzu's dad (took him to watch birds every summer holiday). 4. What did Hu Nianzu make for the school's nature club last week? He/Hu Nianzu made a poster about swifts (for the school's nature club last week)./ A poster about swifts. His/Hu Nianzu's dad (took him to watch birds every summer holiday). He/Hu Nianzu made a poster about swifts (for the school's nature club last week)./ A poster about swifts.   Take bird-watching for example. 以观鸟为例。(P37) 【自主探究】 take ... for example意为“以……为例”, 与take ... as an example同义。 如 ... ...

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