
Unit 2 More than fun understanding ideas公开课课件 新教材外研版七上

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:84次 大小:6207283Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) rock music instrument enjoy play fun erhu What instruments are they playing What music do you think they are playing Rock music is a type of music that started in the 1950s. It's famous for its guitars and drums, and it often has strong, catchy(悦耳易记的) tunes. People like rock music because it's energetic and can be very exciting to listen to. Rock music The erhu is a traditional(传统的) Chinese musical instrument. It is the most popular of the huqin family. The modern erhu developed from xiqin, which was played by many ethnic minorities (少数民族) during the Tang Dynasty. It became an important accompanying (伴奏) instrument in different folk music. erhu What do you think of them handsome cool amazing excited excited impressive good great lively energetic soulful Look at the title and the pictures. Can you guess the two persons’ relationship(关系) What are they doing in the pictures Now skim the passage answer. Who are in the passage Are their music different or the same What do they do at last Choose the best main idea of the passage. a Grandpa and I have different hobbies. b I write a new song for the school art festival. c Grandpa and I put our music together and have great fun. Scan the passage and divide it into 2 parts Grandpa and the writer’s hobbies A fun moment with their hobbies Complete the chart with the words and expressions from the passage. There is so much _____ in music. As a(n) _____ lover, I play the electric guitar in the school band. Sometimes I _____ songs and share them online. Grandpa likes _____ the erhu in the park with his friends. They _____ Beijing opera together. We fire up our _____ in the school art festival. It feels great to _____ our hobby together. instruments fun rock music write put playing sing n. 乐队,乐团 1. What’s his idea about 2. How does he feel about the idea 3. How do you know his feeling Put their music together and write a song. He feels excited about the idea. Because he rushes into his grandpa’s room and it shows he really wants to make it come true. 1. What’s the meaning of the word “nod” and the phrase “fire up” 2.”Everybody moves with our music.” How do you think the listeners feel “Nod” means moving head down and up; “Fire up” means starting to playing They feel fun Read paragraph5 and discuss the questions: What feelings do these actions show Sometimes, the writer does not write about the feeling directly. They describe actions to show the feeling. 找出动作表达情感的句子: Work in pairs: share your hobbies and a fun moment with it. What’s your hobby Taking photos. I like taking photos. There’s so much fun in it. Can you give an example Yes. Last week, I went to the park with my friend. There were flowers around. A butterfly came and landed on her hair. I took a photo and shared it with her. She was so surprised and happy. Share your partner’s hobbies and fun stories with the class. Write about your hobby ... ...

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