
Unit4 Growing up 课时1 Comic strip& Welcome to the unit 精讲精练(重点词汇+句型+课堂练习)牛津译林版版九上

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:47次 大小:287175Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit4 Growing up Comic Strip&Welcome to the unit 【重点词汇】 名词:research调查;研究;cancer癌症;death死亡;blood血;time时期;deal很多 连词: whenever 无论什么时候 动词: donate捐赠;grow生长 介词:through通过 【重点短语】 1.To her surprise :   2.In his fifties:   3.medical research:   4.on one's mind: 5.wake up: 6.as soon as: 7.a great deal of: 【答案】1.令她感到惊讶 2.在他50岁 3.医疗研究 4.挂念在身上5.唤醒6.一……就…… 7.大量 【重要句型讲解】 一、1.What's on your mind, Eddie 在想啥呢,埃迪? 【重点语法】1.on one's mind:惦念;挂在心里。 【知识拓展】mind(n)思想;大脑 (v)介意:mind doing sth 介意做某事。 Make up one's mind下决心 Keep……in mind把……记在脑子里 二、That won't be easy. Hobo. Please help me. Don't wake me up until you finish building it. 【重点语法】wake up 唤醒 【知识拓展】1.wake(v)—awake(adj)醒着的 2. Finish doing sth 完成做某事 3.Not……until:直到……才…… 三、Books allow me to learn about people in different times and places, and I can read them whenever I want to. What about you 【重点语法】1.learn about=know about 了解 2.allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做某事 3.Whenever=no matter when 【课堂练习】 一、单词拼写 1.As a student, it’s not easy to get good s_____ this time because the exam is too difficult. 2.A lot of u_____ things happened to Linda that day. What a strange day! 3.Only a few leaves r_____ on the tree after the strong wind last night. 4.Mark didn’t get up until the sun r_____. 5.The great scientist had great _____(成就)in sapce during his lifetime. 6.Tony’s mother is an English teacher in a u_____. 7.A_____ he is only 6 years old, he knows much about the world. 8.You really require a lot of talent and hard work to s_____. 9.Bob was f_____ to leave the car at the roadside by two strong tall guys last night. 10.My aunt is busy every day because she is a l_____ of the office. 二、适当形式填空 11.They are planning to study overseas after they _____ from high school. (graduation) 12.Some people learn _____(Germany)instead of French. 13.Though the problem was difficult, the boy didn’t lose confidence and _____ (success) at last. 14.I don’t want to buy the car _____ (simple) because I don’t like it. 15.This was all the _____ I needed and he admitted that he was guilty.(prove) 三、单项选择 16.—Fewer babies are born in China these years. This is _____ because today’s young people have different ideas about becoming parents. —I agree with you! A.hardly B.simply C.mainly D.specially 17.Jane has _____ from school for two years. When she _____ the happy time, she always misses her teachers and classmates. A.graduated; thinks back on B.been away; thinks C.graduated; thinks of D.been away; thinks back to 18.Hong Kong’s return to China was one of the biggest _____ of 1997. A.accidents B.business C.matters D.events 19.The pigeon(鸽子) is _____ peace. We should add it to the sign. A.stand for B.symbol C.a symbol of D.stands for 20. ... ...

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