
2025届高考英语二轮复习专题练: 阅读理解+七选五(共15份,含解析)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:20次 大小:316082Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2025届高考英语一轮复习专题练: 阅读理解+七选五 (14) 一、阅读理解 A new kind of hybrid wheat now available to American farmers may help reduce fears over genetically engineered crops. The new hybrid wheat is being introduced as seed companies world wide seek to increase production because of reducing grain supplies. The hybrid wheat was developed by a Chinese-owned agriculture company. The product was created without genetic engineering. The first seeds to grow the wheat will be released on 2,000 to 2,800 hectares of American farmland next year, according to a news agency . Developers or breeders create hybrid wheat by taking away the natural ability of plants to pollinate themselves. Instead, female wheat plants in a field are pollinated by male plants of a different line. The goal of the process is to create seeds that can produce bigger crops and better resist harmful environments. The fertilized female plants produce a new kind of hybrid. Using this hybrid technology permits breeders to choose the best elements from two parent seeds to produce new seeds containing the best characteristics of both. Producers say when seed companies produce hybrid wheat seeds, some female plants often fail to become fertilized because they depend on unpredictable winds to carry pollen (花粉). Pollen is a substance produced by plants when they reproduce. During some seasons, pollen is released into the air and carried to other plants to be fertilized. Producers say the fertilization of each plant is more certain during wheat's natural process of self-pollination. Researchers say the new hybrid wheat has to take long to come onto the market because the development process is costly and complex. It could be important in increasing wheat yields and avoiding being linked to GMO development. GMO stands for genetically modified organism. Genetically modified wheat has never been grown for industrial purposes because of fears that allergens(过敏原) or poisons might be created. Wheat is used to make numerous major foods worldwide. Dave Hankey owns a seed company in Park River, North Dakota. He said, "Because of the resistance to genetically modified stuff, the hybrid wheat would be considered better and safer. " He added it would certainly be the public view. 1.Which of the following causes the new hybrid wheat to be developed A. The existing unsafe grain. B. The decreasing output of food. C. The application from American farmers. D. The Chinese agriculture company's proposal. 2.What is expected of the seeds of the new hybrid wheat A. Requiring less fertilizer. B. Producing tinier crops. C. Having better adaptability. D. Improving their natural self-pollination ability. 3.What can we infer about the development of the new hybrid wheat A. It is temporary B. It is demanding. C. It is simple and fruitful. D. It is complex but economical. 4.What would be the public attitude to the hybrid wheat according to Dave Hankey A. Indifferent. B. Resistant. C. Appreciative. D. Cau ... ...

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