
2025届高三英语专项复习 读后续写 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:33次 大小:955604Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 读后续写 Continuation writing 授 课 教 师: Pre-reading Free talk Have you ever dreamed a dream that turned out to be a reality Who (character) Where (place) When (time) What (event) Why (reason) How (solution) I; Becki; “she” along the highway; at home late night I found Becki hadn't come home. The car had come to an unexpectedly stopped Becki accepted help from a woman Main idea: Becki's car broke down on the way home at night and someone offered her a ride. While-reading Task1:Read for main idea setting inciting incident Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution Denouement While-reading Task2:Read for plot The darkness was gathering as she wobbled (颤颤巍巍) in high heels along the side of the highway. The car had come to an unexpected stop, and like a normal teenager she did the only thing she could think of...get out and walk. It was cold and late, and home was far away. This could be a long night. If only someone would stop and offer her a ride. She prayed for help and dragged herself forward. The lights of a truck shone from behind as it approached. “Maybe he will stop,” she hoped. The brake lights flashed on as it stopped. Next instant, the cab door opened. A wordless invitation was extended and she understood. Without hesitation the girl climbed up into the seat and closed the door. Slowly the truck pulled back onto the road and disappeared into the night, never to be seen again. The darkness was gathering as she wobbled (颤颤巍巍) in high heels along the side of the highway. The car had come to an unexpected stop, and like a normal teenager she did the only thing she could think of...get out and walk. It was cold and late, and home was far away. This could be a long night. If only someone would stop and offer her a ride. She prayed for help and dragged herself forward. The lights of a truck shone from behind as it approached. “Maybe he will stop,” she hoped. The brake lights flashed on as it stopped. Next instant, the cab door opened. A wordless invitation was extended and she understood. Without hesitation the girl climbed up into the seat and closed the door. Slowly the truck pulled back onto the road and disappeared into the night, never to be seen again. Exposition The darkness was gathering as she wobbled (颤颤巍巍) in high heels along the side of the highway. The car had come to an unexpected stop, and like a normal teenager she did the only thing she could think of...get out and walk. It was cold and late, and home was far away. This could be a long night. If only someone would stop and offer her a ride. She prayed for help and dragged herself forward. The lights of a truck shone from behind as it approached. “Maybe he will stop,” she hoped. The brake lights flashed on as it stopped. Next instant, the cab door opened. A wordless invitation was extended and she understood. Without hesitation the girl climbed up into the seat and closed the door. Slowly t ... ...

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